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A Game of Queens

Judit Polgar teaches chess 3

Fullfører Judit Polgars glimrende trilogi om sjakkspillet og hennes egen karriere, det hele både pedagogisk, velskrevet og med høy faglig kvalitet. Denne tredje boka ligger på et høyere sjakknivå, men alt er grundig og fint kommentert. Det er blant annet en riktig sympatisk og trivelig bok å lese.

Etter sjakk-OL i Tromsø kunngjorde Judit Polgar at hun la opp sin aktive karriere. Da hadde hun også vært verdens høyest rangerte kvinnelige sjakkspiller gjennom 25 år siden 1989. Boka avsluttes med et liten epistel om at hun legger opp, med et stillingsbilde fra Tromsø, men hun holder heldigvis en liten dør åpen helt til slutt: "My last Olympiad, my last medal, my last trick... All this sounds a bit too definite. Maybe it is better to add "for quite a while" since when it comes to important things, I would never say never..."

Forlagets omtale:

A Game of Queens completes the trilogy in which one of the greatest players of our time transforms her personal journey to the top into a roadmap for everyone who ever wanted to better themselves in the game of chess. This volume covers the period from 2001 until the present day. These were the years when Judit was in the Top Ten in the world, and facing the likes of Kasparov, Karpov, Korchnoi and Anand.

Judit Polgar has been ranked 1st on the Women’s rating list from 1989 to the present day. In 2005 she became the only woman in chess history to participate in the World Championship final.

The first volume How I Beat Fischer’s Record won the 2013 ECF Book of the Year prize and the second volume From GM to Top Ten was the ACP Book of the Year for 2014.

"I have nothing but praise and admiration for this book. Great games and superb annotations! Due to the complexity of her games you might expect the book to be filled with reams of variations, but Judit does a great job of explaining the ideas behind the moves and selecting only the most essential lines." (GM Matthew Sadler)

Nivå B-D
Utgivelsesdato November 2014
Pris 295 NOK
Legg i handlevognen
Detaljert info
Innbundet? Ja
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 392

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