Sjakk-bøker Åpningsbøker 1 d4-åpninger Generelt og d4-repertorar

A Killer Chess Opening Repertoire New Enlarged Edition (2nd)

Nivå B-D
Utgivelsesdato April 2010
Pris 190 NOK
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Aaron Summerscales lenge utsolgte åpningsklassiker fra 1999 med et skarpt d4-repertoar, i en nå både oppdatert og utvidet nyutgivelse ved vår egen Sverre Johnsen. Hvit starter med 1 d4 og Sf3 og ønsker seg gjerne Colle-Zukertort (e3, Ld3 og b3), men er væpnet med skarpe angrepsvåpen også om svart spiller annerledes enn d5 og e6...

Etter 1 d4 Sf6 2 Sf3 g6 spiller hvit 3 Sc3 og fortsetter med det berømte "150-angrepet" mot 3... g6 (Pirc) og mot 3... d5 med Barry Attack som starter med 4 Lf4.

Hvit sørger også for å være forberedt mot Anti-Colle-systemer, mot Dronningindisk og mot Benoni-forsøk med å sette springeren på c3 uten bonde på c4, eller 1 d4 Sf6 2 Sf3 c5 3 d5 b5 4 Lg5.

Anti-hollandsk-oppskriften i boka er 1 d4 f5 2 Lg5.

En praktisk og spennende hvitbok for d4-spillere som gjerne vil spille hele eller deler av dette repertoaret. Svartspillere blir naturlig nok også litt nervøse når denne smått legendariske boka er på markedet igjen med noen kvessede piler...

En kjærkommen bok for mange spillere med ratingstyrke fra omlag 1000 og oppover som ønsker seg angrep og ubalanse med et temmelig overkommelig teoristudium!

I forordet gir Sverre J kreditt til gode bidrag fra de norske mester-/elitespillerne Lars Breivik, Kristian Trygstad og Stig K. Martinsen.

Sverre Johnsens egen sjakkblogg inneholder både stoff om denne boka og mye annet interessant sjakkstoff

Forlagets egen omtale

Bored with the same old openings? Worried about having to learn too much theory? Then this book will come as a godsend. Aaron Summerscale presents a set of exceptionally dangerous opening weapons for White. Each recommended line is based on a solid positional foundation, yet also promises long-term (and short-term!) attacking chances. The variations are not just easy to learn and play, but they also set Black complex problems.

  • A queen's pawn repertoire based on rapid piece development
  • Reveals many lethal attacking ideas and traps
  • Features the legendary '150' and Barry Attacks

For this new edition, the publishers enlisted the help of hotshot opening writer Sverre Johnsen, who has updated the coverage where necessary, while retaining the spirit, charm and aims of Summerscale's original work. The killer repertoire remains easy to learn, and is now more dangerous than ever!

Grandmaster Aaron Summerscale is a prominent figure in UK chess, who won the British Rapidplay Championship in 2000. He is also a renowned chess trainer, and has been involved in coaching some of England's best junior players. Sverre Johnsen is from Norway, and an enthusiastic chess analyst, researcher, organizer and writer.

Gambit books by Sverre Johnsen: A Killer Chess Opening Repertoire - new enlarged edition with Aaron Summerscale; The Ruy Lopez: a Guide for Black with Leif Johannessen; Win with the London System with Vlatko Kovačević; Win with the Stonewall Dutch with Ivar Bern and Simen Agdestein.

A well-rounded repertoire after 1 d4.
Uwe Bekemann, Deutscher Fernschachbund


...a repertoire for club players
Frank Große,


For those of you who are unfamiliar with the original book, the repertoire is based on 1 d4, and the proposed lines are designed to counter any Black reply. Rather than sticking to main line theoretical variations, the emphasis is on somewhat offbeat lines which are easy to learn and not liable to be demolished overnight. (About one third of the book is taken up with the 150 Attack and the Barry Attack.) The emphasis is on explaining the ideas behind the variations, rather than on presenting masses of analysis. The book is aimed at club players who want to build up a solid repertoire as White and as such does what it says on the cover
Alan Sutton, En Passant


Johnsen has chosen to build on the first edition, addressing the areas where theory has substantially changed or Summerscale's original coverage needed expanding. There are seven new model games (68 overall) which strike a good balance between explanatory prose and concrete variations. The present edition is approximately 50 pages longer than the first but the reader gets more than this as the Gambit format uses a slightly smaller font style than the original. All the analysis has been blunderchecked by Rybka 3. ... offers a nice mix for the player who doesn't like to study theory too much but still wants a chance to come out of the opening with chances for an advantage. The proposed repertoire also offers a variety of middle game pawn structures (for and against the isolated queen pawn, hanging pawns, Benoni structures, etc...) that promise to keep things fresh. The price of this book, is $19.95, the same cost as the original. There can't be many items for sale that are improved and still cost the same as they did a dozen years ago. This book is a bargain in 2010.
IM John Donaldson

Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Førsteutgave år 1998
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 192

Se også

  • Starting Out: d-pawn attacks

    En kjærkommen ny repertoarbok for hvit med 1 d4 med Colle-Zukertort som hovedvåpen, altså 1 d4, 2 Sf3, 3 e3 og 4 Ld3 gjerne fulgt av b3 og Lb2, om svart styrer mot dronninggambit, dronningindisk eller Benoni.

    September 2008