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A to Z Chess Tactics

En innholdsrik stor bok som både viser og gjennomgår mange taktiske temaer og tester leseren.

Utgivelsesdato 2007
Pris 280 NOK
Legg i handlevognen
005 Introduction
012 Attraction
019 Back Rank Mate
025 Back Rank Weakness
035 Battery
039 Bind
046 Castling
049 Checking the King
054 Classic Bishop Sacrifice
058 Clearance Sacrifice
064 Counter Pin
065 Cross Check
067 Desperado
069 Discovered Attack
072 Discovered Check
075 Diversion
089 Double Attack
091 Double Check
098 Establishing a Fortress
102 Flank Weakness
105 Forced Move
109 Gaining a Tempo
112 Hunting the King
119 Infiltration
123 Interference
127 Jostling the King
138 Knight Fork
146 Lead in Development
151 Line Clearance
159 Manoeuvring on the Staircase
163 No Retreat
166 Overloading
169 Pawn Fork
172 Pawn Promotion
180 Pawn Roller
183 Perpetual Check
185 Pin
196 Queen Ambush
204 Removing the Defender
210 Simplification
217 Skewer
221 Smothered Mate
229 Swindle
232 Triangulation
235 Underpromotion
239 Vacating a Square
243 Windmill Attack
247 Winning Material
252 X-Ray Attack
254 Yielding to Zugzwang
259 Zwischenzug
261 Tactical Exercises
311 Evaluation Symbols
312 Solutions to Exercises
340 Exercise References by Themes
344 Index
Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 352