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American Chess Magazine No 17 (2020/2)

Et lekkert ACM frontes med historien om da 16-årige Brandon Jacobson nylig ble stormester. Joel Benjamin skriver fra senior-VM der USA rakk å vinne klassen 50+. Lesernes eget favorittparti ble en herlig del av dette magasinet.

Utgiverens egen omtale:

The remarkable young man portrayed on the cover of ACM 17 is none other than the latest American Grandmaster – Brandon Jacobson. Brandon’s best chess results were achieved after he was accepted at the prestigious Columbia University at the age of 14(!). Here, exclusively for ACM, Brandon tells the story of his journey towards the elite chess title. His own analyses of key games, in which he had to overcome serious challenges, are highly instructive and will surely be an inspiration for any other go-getter on a similar quest. In the interview that follows, Brandon talks about his teenage experiences both in chess and life, while emphasizing the importance of family support.

The global Cowid-19 pandemic has now forced a shutdown of over-the-board competition, which even included a premature termination of the FIDE World Championship Candidates. Nevertheless, grandmaster brothers Athanasios and Dimitrios Mastrovasilis present round-by-round reports and thorough annotations to almost half of the games that were actually played in this most important chess event of the year. Moreover, GM Francesco Rambaldi turns the spotlight on an energetic opening idea with which Fabiano Caruana was able to score his solitary but crucial win in the event to keep alive his chances of a re-match with Magnus Carlsen for the world title.

The drastic effects that the coronavirus has had on chess, as well as life in general, are underlined by an ER physician who works on the front line in the fight against this invisible enemy - MD Fun Fong, a long time chess organizer, president of the Georgia Chess Federation and a candidate for the USCF Policy Board. Undoubtedly Dr. Fong’s professional views on the present pandemic and recommendations for any possible future return to OTB chess will represent welcome guidance to both organizers and competitive players across the nation.

On the eve of international lockdown, GM Joel Benjamin ventured a chess trip to Prague, where he and his fellow U.S. veterans proceeded to repeat their victory in last year’s World Senior Team Championship. They then faced an even bigger challenge of getting back home because of major flight cancellations…

In the absence of tournament games due to the present crisis, we decided to organize a different kind of chess competition for which we asked our readers to submit for possible publication their best, favorite or most dramatic game, together with their own annotations. Moreover, to get the show on the road, members of our Editorial Board also joined in the competition ! The winner’s name will be revealed firstly by email and then announced publicly in our next issue. While the main purpose of our game contest was to give readers an opportunity to showcase their own brilliant play in the ACM, it was undoubtedly also to provide an excuse for ACM staff to prove that they too can actually play chess!

In his regular column, GM Jacob Aagaard again challenges readers to solve a fresh selection of examples from practical play, highlighting strategic elements that will be useful for any aspiring player.

Our endgame expert GM Alex Fishbein was personally involved in the revision of Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual, an absolute classic now in its fifth edition. By means of several fantastic examples, Alex explains the main motifs of knight endgames and improvements on “endgame theory” which he discovered when carrying out his work on this new version.

Then Jon Edwards gives readers tips on how to survive the lockdown – and not just from playing on the internet. Those who want to enjoy the social side of chess are recommended to follow podcasts as well as pursuing other interesting channels.

As usual, FM Carsten Hansen reviews ten recently published books that have caught his eye – and there are some real gems here!

Our authors are world-class players – champions – but, above all, grandmasters and experts who are excited to share their knowledge within the chess community. No ghost-writers or “special” contributors, only fully committed authors, proud of their hard work. The job of our team of experienced international editors is merely to create a supportive environment where the work of our chess heroes can shine in full splendor.

It’s like getting a book of instruction, news, and close-ups every second month — one you would be proud to casually lay out on your coffee table. Treat yourself to quality.

ACM is the chess magazine America, in its chess renaissance, deserves. And we will consider it a great compliment if readers find it worthy to share the American Chess Magazine with their friends, exhibiting the same pride they feel in being members of the American – and indeed worldwide – chess community!

American Chess Magazine 17 boasts a cover photo of the young American grandmaster, Brandon Jacobson.

Utgivelsesdato Juni 2020
Pris 240 NOK
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Type Tidsskrift
Språk Engelsk

Produktet er en del av serien American Chess Magazine

Et forbausende gedigent nytt sjakkmagasin som årlig utkommer med fire nummer i A4-format á drøyt 150 sider. Bladet er først og fremst amerikansk, men svært internasjonalt og har fått med ledende ressurser fra Informator-redaksjonen i Beograd. Magasinet blir nok trykket både i USA og Europa for å sikre effektiv distribusjon. Fra 2019 kommer det i seks årlige nummer med hver 100 sider.

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