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American Chess Magazine No 4 (2017)

St. Louis med Kasparovs comeback og Vachier Lagrave foran Carlsen i hovedturneringen fronter høstnummeret av det nye store "supermagasinet" fra USA. I Jacob Aagaard sin nye treningsspalte får leseren oppgaver og skal ta fire ulike typer beslutninger.

Dette magasinet er i høy grad både amerikansk og internasjonalt, viser blant annet lista over medarbeidere. Blant høydepunktene er Vasily Ivanchuks faste spalte "Chucky's Squares" over 2-3 store sider med interessante synspunkter rundt vanligvis hans egne partier.

What's Inside Issue 04?

With great anticipation the chess world awaited the return of Garry Kasparov, the legendary 13th World Champion. The passage of time did not appear to have changed anything much in Garry’s approach to chess, although his long layoff does seem to have damaged his practical skills. But we got the playing style we expected – dynamic, direct, and not shying away from theoretical battles, as Ivan Sokolov concluded while analyzing the games from Garry’s Back to The Future of Chess...

World No.6, Shak “The Shark” Mamedyarov, who broke through the magical 2800 barrier earlier in the year, was surely a must-have participant at the 5th Sinquefield Cup. However, although he was not invited this time, by way of consolation he now provides exclusive game commentaries for the event, which Maxime Vachier-Lagrave won ahead of world champion Magnus Carlsen.

14-year old American prodigy, Awonder Liang, is currently the youngest grandmaster in the world. His latest success came in July when he won the US Junior Championship. That means he will get a ticket for the “premier league” – next year’s US Championship – where he will face the big guys: Wesley So, Hikaru Nakamura, Fabiano Caruana... Let’s get to know the player who is clearly on the right track to be a future world champion – we interviewed Awonder and asked him to annotate two of his best games from 2017.

Decision Making in Chess, does it sounds familiar to you? This is the revealing book by grandmasters Gelfand and Aagaard that brought a whole new philosophy into the game of chess...And now, exclusively in our magazine, open your mindset to four types of decisions you can take in chess. We are happy to present to you Aagaard’s All-Round Training, written by the only chess author to win all four major book awards.

And there is much more from names such as Ivanchuk, Fedorowicz, Benjamin, Rohde, Hungaski...

Utgivelsesdato November 2017
Pris 275 NOK
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Detaljert info
Type Tidsskrift
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 152

Produktet er en del av serien American Chess Magazine

Et forbausende gedigent nytt sjakkmagasin som årlig utkommer med fire nummer i A4-format á drøyt 150 sider. Bladet er først og fremst amerikansk, men svært internasjonalt og har fått med ledende ressurser fra Informator-redaksjonen i Beograd. Magasinet blir nok trykket både i USA og Europa for å sikre effektiv distribusjon. Fra 2019 kommer det i seks årlige nummer med hver 100 sider.

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