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Attacking the English/Reti

Intet mindre enn en nyttig repertoarbok for svart mot både 1 c4 og 1 Sf3, basert på dagens anbefalinger. En oversiktlig presentert bok som nærmest kan brukes på alle spillenivåer.

Fra forfatterens innledning:

This book aims to offer an active Black repertoire against The English Opening 1.c4, the Reti 1.Nf3, and their siblings that arise after 1.g3. More importantly, we try to offer not only variations, but also a philosophy of how to treat such openings.

A century ago they called them simply “irregular”. Since then, nobody has revoked the importance of the centre, but nowadays we are so sweeped off by the torrents of variations the engines provide that we tend to forget conventional wisdom.

Our reasoning is simple: if White gave us a chance, we should seize central space; if he played passively, we should advance. Our goal is to reach an ideal pawn centre: 1.c4 e5 2.g3 c6 3.Bg2 d5 4.cxd5 cxd5 5.d4 e4

Nivå B-D
Utgivelsesdato Juli 2016
Pris 275 NOK
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Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 235