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Batsford's Chess Bible

From beginner to winner with moves, techniques and strategies

En aktuell lærebok for spillere som har nådd et ratingnivå cirka 1000-1200 og vil ha impulser videre. De første 30 sidene er ren startlæring, og så hopper boka til det nevnte nivået og med også mer avanserte partieksempler.

Boka inneholder mest åpninger og midtspill. Kan også nytes som en inspirerende og grunnleggende kommentert partisamling for hobby- og klubbspillere. En god innbundet bok.

Nivå B-C
Utgivelsesdato Mai 2021
Pris 235 NOK
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Forlagets egen omtale

Batsford’s Chess Bible is a landmark, full-colour chess instruction book, ideal for both beginners and more experienced players wanting to improve their game. The book takes the form of a course, with quick-start guides to help to retain the information you’ve learned and puzzle sections for you to test yourself as you go. To illustrate more advanced strategy and tactics, author Sean Marsh uses world-class chess ‘heroes’, such as Anatoly Karpov and Mikhail Tal, to bring the concepts to life.

Essential topics include:

  • Pieces and Moves: the very basics, covering the chessboard, notation, the names of the pieces and how they move, plus an overview of chess etiquette
  • What Chess is All About: an exploration of chess culture and history
  • Winning, Drawing and Losing: Covers the various ways of winning at chess, and how games are drawn
  • Six Openings for Life: Coverage of six of the best chess openings, each illustrated by a different ‘chess hero’
  • Tactical Weapons: An examination of forks, pins, skewers and other tactical devices, followed by illustrative games from Tactical Hero Mikhail Tal
  • Positional Play: Looks at good and bad positions, plus the art of planning, seen through the games of Positional Hero Tigran Petrosian
  • Human Factors: Typical mistakes and blunders to avoid

Easy to follow, yet thorough and challenging, this book is an essential companion for all budding chess champions.

Sean Marsh has been teaching chess professionally since 1988. He is the Chief Trainer for Chess in Schools and Communities and is also a freelance chess writer with many published articles, both online and in print.

006 Remembering Bob Wade
008 Introduction
010 The Basics
020 Winning, Drawing and Losing
038 Tactical Weapons
058 Positional Play
092 When Heroes Meet
102 Human Factors
118 Non-Human Factors
126 Know Your Openings
184 Classic Players and Games
204 Solutions to Puzzles
205 Bibliography
Detaljert info
Innbundet? Ja
Type Bok
Førsteutgave år 2014
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 208