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Checkmate! The Love Story of Mikhail Tal and Sally Landau

Utgivelsesdato Mars 2019
Pris 240 NOK
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En høyst fascinerende bok om Mikhail Tal og mennesker rundt ham, skrevet av hans første kone Sally Landau. De to ble skilt i 1970 eller 71, men hadde et vennlig forhold helt til Tal døde i 1992. En bok uten sjakkpartier på brettet.

Boka er en oversettelse fra utgivelsen på russisk i 1998. Noen år senere ble Sally Landau intervjuet om forholdet sitt til Tal: Såvidt vites lever Sally Landau i 2019 fortsatt i Antwerpen i Belgia.

Forlagets egen omtale

Sally Landau, born in 1938, Vitebsk, Soviet Union, was Mikhail Tal’s first wife, a highly talented actress and singer. Sally and Misha were married from 1959 to 1970 in a period that encompassed Tal’s two world championship matches with Botvinnik as well as many of his greatest tournament performances.

Sally’s breathtaking story, first published in Russia in 1998 and which has been reprinted multiple times, is a memoir of her time with Tal, with whom she remained friends long after they divorced right up until his death in 1992. Full of detail about Tal and their life together, it is a tale of triumph and tragedy, love, parenthood, sorrow, jealousy, betrayal and revenge.

Colored by a historical and social background including the Second World War, the Soviet chess scene, Rigan high society, the shadow economy in the Soviet Union, and Jewish emigration, it contains a fascinating portrait of Misha’s mysterious family and is illustrated with photos from Sally’s private archive. And it all just happens to be true…


Om forfatteren Sally Landau

Sally Landau var Mikhail Tals første kone. Hun var også en talentfull skuespiller og sanger.
Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 223