Sjakk-bøker Lærebøker

Chess Fundamentals

Nivå A-B
Utgivelsesdato September 1994
Pris 185 NOK
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Den store Capablancas klassiske lille innføringsbok i sjakk som utkom i 1921. Boka fokuserer aller mest på sluttspillet, og avsluttes med 14 av Capablancas egne instruktive partier.

En fin supplerende innføringsbok for spillere som er gjennom selve spillereglene og litt til, men også kan leses med godt utbytte for alle med ratingstyrke i alle fall opp til omlag 1300. Partiene er interessante for oss alle.

001Chapter 1: First Principles: Endings, Middlegame and Openings
001 01. Some Simple Mates
004 02. Pawn Promotion
006 03. Pawn Endings
009 04. Some Winning Positions in the Middlegame
011 05. Relative Value of the Pieces
012 06. General Strategy of the Opening
014 07. Control of the Centre
016 08. Traps

018 Chapter 2: Further Principles in Endgame Play
018 09. A Cardinal Principle
019 10. A Classical Ending
020 11. Obtaining a Passed Pawn
021 12. How to Find Out Which Pawn will be First to Queen
025 13. The Opposition
025 14. The Relative Value of Knight and Bishop
030 15. How to Mate with Knight and Bishop
031 16. Queen against Rook

Chapter 3: Planning a Win in Middlegame Play
034 17. Attacking without the Aid of Knights
035 18. Attacking with Knights as a Prominent Force
036 19. Winning by Indirect Attack

Chapter 4: General Theory
039 20. The Initiative
039 21. Direct Attacks en masse
041 22. The Force of the Threatened Attack
045 23. Relinquishing the Initiative
047 24. Cutting off Pieces from the Scene of Action
050 25. A Player's Moves Criticised in a Specimen Game

Chapter 5: Endgame Strategy
056 26. The Sudden Attack from a Different Side
061 27. The Danger of a Safe Position
062 28. Endings with One Rook and Pawns
064 29. A Difficult Ending: Two Rooks and Pawns
070 30. Rook, Bishop and Pawns v. Rook, Knight and Pawns

Chapter 6: Further Openings and Middlegames
072 31. Some Salient Points about Pawns
073 32. Some Possible Developments from a Ruy Lopez
076 33. The Influence of a 'Hole'

PART II Illustrative Games
081 01. FJ.Marshall - J.R.Capablanca, Match 1909
083 02. A. K. Rubinstein - J.R.Capablanca, San Sebastian 1911
086 03. D. Janowski - J.R. Capablanca, Havana 1913
088 04. J. R. Capablanca - E. A. Znosko-Borovsky, St. Petersburg 1913
091 05. Dr E. Lasker-J.R. Capablanca, St. Petersburg 1914
095 06. O. Chajes-J. R. Capablanca, Rice Memorial Tournament 1916
098 07. J. R. Capablanca - A. Burn, San Sebastian 1911
100 08. J. Mieses - J. R. Capablanca, Berlin 1913
104 09. J. R. Capablanca - R. Teichmann, Berlin 1913
107 10. J.R.Capablanca - FJ. Marshall, St. Petersburg 1914
110 11. J.R. Capablanca - D. Janowski, St. Petersburg 1914
111 12. J.R. Capablanca - O.Chajes, New York 1918
114 13. J.S. Morrison - J.R. Capablanca, New York 1918
118 14. FJ. Marshall - J.R. Capablanca, New York 1918
Se også samletrykt bok, som inkluderer denne tittelen: Capablanca x3 [PAPERBACK]
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Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 121