Sjakk-bøker Midtspillet strategi Innføring i strategi

Chess Middlegame Strategies volume 2

Opening Meets Middlegame

Sokolovs andre strategibind handler særlig om midtspill og temaer fra spesifikke åpninger: Siciliansk, Spansk, Caro-Kann exf6, Moderne Benoni og Katalansk, og et siste kapittel om partier der springere tildels litt uventet blir sterkere enn løpere.

En bok med en vinkling som mange klubbspillere ønsker seg: Ideer som går igjen i visse åpninger. Boka konsentrerer seg dels om ganske krevende temaer. En bok mest for spillere ca 1400 og oppover.


In modern chess practice, the theory of the opening often stretches into the middlegame, sometimes quite deeply. When players choose particular opening variations, they are in essence deciding on the type of middlegame in which they would like to fight their opponents.

In this second volume of my "Chess Middlegame Strategies" series I have decided to focus on this connection between the opening and the middlegame. I have selected different themes from popular openings and examined the resulting middlegames, trying to offer a sort of user manual to guide readers through these middlegames. I have also offered some ideas on the theory of the different openings. The 30 games in this book cover a wide range of different middlegame types, so I hope there is something for everyone and that studying this book will enhance readers' understanding of middlegame strategies.

Only one chapter in this book, "Knight Tales", is not related to a particular opening. It concentrates on the middlegame theme of knights versus bishops. Originally I had planned to present much more pure middlegame material, but sometimes in the work process we adjust the original plan and, well... this book is the product!

Naturally I still have this pure middlegame material in my work database and I do not exclude the possibility that volume three may arrive around the end of 2018. Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy this book and the game selection.

Ivan Sokolov

Ivan Sokolov was born in Bosnia in 1968. He was and still is one of the most flamboyant attacking players of his time, reaching several times, over a period of 13 years, the top 12 spot in the FIDE ranking. He notably has beaten world chess champions like Smyslov, Kasparov, Kramnik, Anand and Topalov.

We remember him winning most recent the World Open in Philadelphia 2012 and the gold medal for best performance at the "European Teams" in Warsaw 2013. He is a successful writer with bestsellers as "Winning Chess Middlegames", "The Ruy Lopez Revisited", "The Strategic Nimzo-Indian" and "Sacrifice and Initiative". was born in Bosnia in 1968.

Nivå C-D
Utgivelsesdato Januar 2018
Pris 315 NOK
Legg i handlevognen
Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 260

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