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Chess Strategy for Club Players 3rd Improved & Extended

The Road to Positional Advantage

Ikke noe mindre enn et nytt standardverk om sjakkstrategi! "Åpningen er over. Hvordan skal jeg fortsette spillet?" Herman Grooten forteller i introduksjonen at det er dette viktige og vanlige spørsmålet han søker å besvare med denne boka. Han starter med elementene i sjakkspillet, permanente og forbigående fordeler, slik de ble beskrevet av Steinitz på slutten av 1800-tallet og følger opp med lærdommer fra Nimzowitsch og andre.

Denne nye tredjeutgaven har et helt nytt kapittel nummer 15 om "Total control". Navnet på boka kunne tyde på at den er enklere og for lavere nivå enn den er, men dette er en stor og instruktiv bok for spillere med ratingstyrke i hele spennvidden fra cirka 1100 til 2300 som vil videre med et viktig og riktig fundament for forståelsen av spillet.

Boka virker som en moderne etterfølger og erstatter av forrige generasjons standardverk om midtpillet av Grootens landsmann Max Euwe. Grooten er en nederlandsk IM som gjennom flere tiår har spesialisert seg som sjakktrener og vært trener for stormestere som Loek van Wely og Jan Werle.

Forordet er skrevet av Jan Timman. Førsteutgaven ble kåret til årets bok på

Nivå C-D
Utgivelsesdato Februar 2017
Pris 310 NOK
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Forlagets egen omtale

This new 3rd edition has, besides various corrections and improvements, a new introduction and a brand-new chapter called ‘Total Control’. In this 35-page chapter Grooten adds the final instructive brick to his formidable, yet very accessible, building: inspired by Tigran Petrosian’s playing style he explains amateurs how to exploit small advantages. With a new set of exercises.

Every club player knows the problem: the opening has ended, and now what?

First find the right plan, then the good moves will follow!

With this book, International Master Herman Grooten presents to amateur players a complete and structured course on: how to recognize key characteristics in all types of positions how to make use of those characteristics to choose the right plan

His teachings are based on the famous "Elements" of Wilhelm Steinitz, but Grooten has significantly expanded and updated the work of the first World Champion. He supplies many modern examples, tested in his own practice as a coach of talented youngsters.

In Chess Strategy for Club Players you will learn the basic elements of positional understanding:

  • pawn structure
  • piece placement
  • lead in development
  • open files
  • weaknesses
  • space advantage
  • king safety
  • exploiting small advantages.

The author also explains what to do when, in a given position, the basic principles seem to point in different directions. Each chapter of this fundamental primer ends with a set of highly instructive exercises.

Herman Grooten, is an International Master and a chess coach with over 25 years of experience. Quite a few of his pupils have gone on to become grandmasters, among them Loek van Wely and Jan Werle.

AWARDED: ChessCafe 2009 Book of the Year

SHORTLISTED: The Guardian 2009 Chess Book of the Year

If you want to be a better player, you owe it to yourself to pick up a copy. It may well be the crown jewel of your chess book collection!
Jeremy Silman, US Chess Online


A highly instructive book for readers who want to improve their chess skills.
From the foreword by Jan Timman


The entire presentation is extremely well done (..) A fantastic and challenging book for ambitious and advanced club players.
KARL Chess Magazine


Chess coaches will have a quality supply of superb examples and explanations, and self-motivated students will benefit immensely if they are over, say, 1800 in strength.
Pete Tamburro, ChessLife

1. Steinitz' Elements
2. The eye of the grandmaster
3. Thought process and line of thinking
4. Material advantage
5. Weakened king position
6. Passed pawn
7. Weak pawns
8. Training experiment
9. Strong and weak squares
10. The pawn islands theory
11. The pawn centre
12. The diagonal
13. Quiz: strong square
14. The open file
15. The bishop pair
16. Control of a rank
17. A piece out of play
18. Quiz: open file
19. Harmony and coordination
20. Lead in development
21. Centralization
22. Space advantage
23. Quiz: space advantage
24. Total control
25. Solutions
26. Epilogue
Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Førsteutgave år 2009
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 462