Sjakk-bøker Taktikk, kombinasjoner og angrep Kombinasjonsoppgaver

Chess tactics for intermediate players

En slik oppgavebok som vi liker for alminnelige spillere på en hyggelig mellomnivå, gjerne med ratingstyrke i hele spekteret cirka 800 - 1600. Her er det mange viktige temaer å lære å beherske!

En produktomtale på engelsk:

This book is one part of a tactical series. Besides enabling self-education it helps trainers and school chess instructors to make their pupils acquire and practice a combinational and tactical approach to chess. This book deals with the fundamentals of tactics and frequent tactical types.

*Please note that this is a tactical quiz book, and as such, does not include any text, instead consisting of a large collection of positions and solutions.


  • The weakness of the back rank
  • Mating combination
  • Winning material in a tactical way
  • Knights having a leading part
  • Endgame tactics
  • Mixed combinations
  • Solutions

About the Author:

Meszaros Andras is an International Master and has been working as a trainer with Hungarian Junior Chess for a long time. The best-known pupils include Ildiko Madl, Judit and Sophie Polgar, the members of the two-time Olympic gold medallist team; Gledura Benjamin, age group European Champion.

Nivå B-C
Utgivelsesdato Februar 2017
Pris 175 NOK
Legg i handlevognen
Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 131