Video ChessBase Magazine

ChessBase Magazine 147

Nivå C-D
Utgivelsesdato April 2012
Pris 230 NOK
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Et nytt ferskt ChessBase Magazine nr 147 med masse variert innhold som presenteres av GM Karsten Müller. De 13 åpningsartiklene har alltid stort fokus, i tillegg til ferske partikommentarer av Aronjan, Carlsen og andre verdenstopper.

Verdens ledenede DVD-magasin i sjakk byr alltid også på godt treningsstoff i alle spillets faser og for nivåer fra den helt alminnelige klubbspilleren og langt oppover.

ChessBase introduserer selv ChessBase Magazine 147 slik:

This year too, the series of world class tournaments opened with the classic in Wijk aan Zee. Magnus Carlsen and Levon Aronian, the two leaders of the world ranking list, were in the starting blocks. This time it was the Armenian who made the running in a high-class event with a lot of decisive games. As well as Aronian and Carlsen, Caruana, Radjabov, Karjakin and van Wely have annotated their strongest games from Wijk. The second tournament highlight is the Open in Gibraltar which is getting stronger from year to year. The sensation this time was Hou Yifan, who shared first place with Nigel Short and in doing so defeated opponents such as Shirov, Le Quang and ... Judit Polgar. The women's world champion annotates on the DVD her historic duel with the still (?) strongest woman player in the world. At the same time with its 13 openings articles the DVD again offers numerous ideas for your repertoire and suggestions as to what to play, e.g. a weapon against the Volga Gambit (4.Nf3), a strategic recommendation against the Maroczy Bind in the Sicilian, a re-discovered move in the in French Advance Variation and a completely new development in the Exchange Variation of the Queen's Gambit.

Detaljert info
Type DVD
Språk Engelsk

Produktet er en del av serien ChessBase Magazine

Et DVD-magasin som gir god valuta for pengene og stadig forfines og utvides. Her er det stoff i alle faser av spillet, og ikke minst aktuelle åpningsartikler i hver utgave. Sammen med selve DVD-produktet kommer det alltid et trykket magasin som gir god oversikt over stoffet og noen utvalgte treningsgodbiter å bryne seg på.

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