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Defend Like Petrosian

What You Can Learn from Tigran Petrosian's Extraordinary Defensive Skills

En herlig samling med 176 partier spilt av tidligere verdensmester Tigran Petrosian, med både seire, remiser og tap. Forfatteren formidler samtidig noe om forsvarets kunst, men det er inspirerende partier mer enn "lærebok".

Nivået for boka er mest fra ratingnivå 13-1400 og oppover. Når forlaget skriver at denne boka har som mål "to help amateur players improve the standard of their defensice play", så gjelder det i alle fall litt habile amatører...

Forlagets egen omtale:

Only the very best dared to play for a win against Tigran Petrosian. The 9th World Champion was extremely difficult to beat because his defensive techniques were virtually unmatched. In the rare case that someone managed to bring him into difficulties they ran a serious risk of having to face a vicious counterattack.

Former Russian Champion Alexei Bezgodov explains to a wide range of players how they can employ the skills of ‘the Tiger'. How to deal with pressure, how to anticipate threats or march you King out of danger even if it feels you are entering a minefield. That you should not hesitate to give up an exchange or spoil your own pawn structure if the position calls for it. How to find unlikely decoys and start a counterattack.

This book aims to help amateur players improve the standard of their defensive play. In many training programs a serious analysis of the art of defense is lacking. That explains why most club players are much better at attacking than at coping with adversity and difficult positions. ‘Defend Like Petrosian' points the way to creative solutions and will help you save lots of points.

Nivå C-D
Utgivelsesdato Oktober 2020
Pris 275 NOK
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Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 269