Sjakk-bøker Sluttspill Sluttspillstudier

Endgame Labyrinths

En formidabelt instruktiv bok med hele 1002 sluttspillstudier valgt ut og systematisert ut fra innhold for praktiske spillere. Mange av stillingene starter derfor etter et antall trekk av selve studien.

Den glimrende danske studiekomponisten Steffen Nielsen - verdensmester i faget i 2022 - er forfatter av boka sammen med stormester Jacob Aagaard. Registeret viser to studier av vår egen Jarl Ulrichsen og hele seks av vår unge stjerne på området, IM Geir Sune Tallaksen Østmoe.

Utgivelsesdato September 2023
Pris 390 NOK
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Endgame Labyrinths


Forlagets egen omtale

Endgame Labyrinths presents the reader with 1002 challenging studies selected and truncated, with their usefulness for the practical player in mind. It is common for studies to be extended by less interesting manoeuvres or by incomprehensible sequences, before the main themes come into play. The studies in this book have been pruned to leave the reader with 1002 clear and solvable challenges.

A few years of extensive selection, analysis, reselection, reanalysis and refining have gone into putting together the study book for the practical player with the most value ever.

Steffen Nielsen is the reigning World Champion in endgame composition. His creativity and aesthetics in his compositions have had a massive influence on modern competition. He is a strong club player, with a good understanding of the difficulties practical players face over the board. Steffen is also a life-long supporter of the football club AaB, which is less successful...

GM Jacob Aagaard is one of the leading chess writers and trainers of his generation. His students have played successfully at all levels and continue to do so. His books are used all over the world, by top players and amateurs alike.

004 Key to Symbols used
004 Chess Composition Terminology
005 Foreword by Yochanan Afek
006 HvdH Study Database
007 1) The Best Training is Training (Aagaard)
009 2) The Grandmaster Selection (Aagaard)
013 3) Our Selection of Studies (Nielsen)
019 4) The Points System (Nielsen)
021 5) The Conventions of Endgame Studies (Nielsen)
023 6) The Themes and Tactics of Endgames (Nielsen)
031 7) Pawn Endgames
045 8) Knight Endgames
069 9) Bishop Endgames
103 10) Rook Endgames
147 11) Queen Endgames
171 12) Pieces vs Pawns
187 13) Minor Pieces
221 14) Rook vs a Minor Piece
247 15) Rook vs Two Minor Pieces
257 16) Rook vs Rook and Minor Piece
275 17) Rook and Minor Piece vs Rook and Minor Piece
297 18) Piece Fight
321 19) Active Defence
327 20) Short and Sweet
339 21) Playing Studies
347 22) Just Tactics
353 23) Solve Like a Grandmaster
359 24) In the Wilderness
363 25) Fresh Out of the Oven
375 26) Fortresses
387 27) Endgame Theory
393 28) Classics
409 29) Braincrushers
420 Name Index
Detaljert info
Innbundet? Ja
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 424