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Fundamental Checkmates

Nivå B-C
Utgivelsesdato Juni 2016
Pris 295 NOK
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I den rikholdige sjakklitteraturen ser dette ut til å være eneste litt omfattende lærebok i å sette sjakk matt! Forfatteren gjennomgår både mattmønstere, mekanismer og kombinasjoner. Han konsentrerer seg mye om hvilke typer brikker som samarbeider om å sette matt.

Forlagets egen omtale:

Chess might seem a complex and mysterious game, but the ultimate goal is simple: checkmate. Checkmate can occur in all stages of the game, from snap mates in the opening, through middlegame attacks to simplified endgames.

This book lays out, in systematic and thorough fashion, a wide range of mating patterns and techniques, in particular showing how each piece-pair can combine to deliver mate. A working knowledge of these ideas enables players to move on to mating combinations, where pieces lay down their lives so that the remaining forces can deliver mate.

Gude explains an amazing variety of tactical devices, and illustrates them in unforgettable style with some of the most brilliant mating attacksfrom practice, new and old.

There are chapters on how to attack kings in the centre, as well as standard (and other!) attacks against the castled position.

This is a true textbook of checkmate; readers will never be short of mating ideas, and will instinctively know when there is a possibility to launch an attack, or when they must parry the opponent’s threats. Fundamental Checkmates also features more than 300 exercises with full solutions.

Antonio Gude is an extremely experienced chess writer and teacher from Spain. Several of his books on tactics and for beginners are long-standing bestsellers in Spanish language. Gude has also translated a great many books, including some of the classics of chess literature.

Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 383