Sjakk-bøker Åpningsbøker 1 e4-åpninger Andre forsvar mot 1 e4

GM Repertoire: 1.e4 vs Minor Defences

Nivå C-D
Utgivelsesdato Oktober 2020
Pris 280 NOK
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Femte bind med e4-repertoar fra den indiske "wonderboy" Negi. Denne handler om Alekhine, Skandinavisk, Pirc og Moderne. Bøkene synes å ha imponert en hel verden, så viktig også for mange svartspillere.

Forlagets egen omtale:

The fifth volume of the Grandmaster Repertoire – 1.e4 series provides a top-class repertoire against the Alekhine, Scandinavian, Pirc and Modern Defences, plus various offbeat alternatives Black may try. Negi’s latest work continues the winning formula of his previous books: the 1.e4 repertoire is founded on established main lines and turbo-charged with the innovative ideas of a world-class theoretician, making this an essential addition to the library of every ambitious player.

Parimarjan Negi is a former child prodigy who became a Grandmaster at the age of 13. He was Asian Champion in 2012, and played on Board 1 for the Indian team which won bronze medals at the Tromsø 2014 Olympiad.

Fra forfatterens forord:

As a young kid, I was always scared of these openings: the Pirc and Modern were endlessly confusing in move orders; the Scandinavian seemed to me to lead to depressingly dull positions; and I never prepared any serious lines against the Alekhine, so I was always a bit afraid of that too. As the years went by and my playing strength increased, fewer and fewer of my opponents played these lines, so I could essentially get away with never preparing anything deep against them. Still, my childhood uneasiness against these defences never quite left me.

When I finally started analysing these systems in earnest for this book, I realized that my uneasiness was not unfounded, as there were just so many interesting possibilities for Black hidden away in all these lines. Nowadays more than ever, with online chess events and faster time controls becoming more prevalent, it is vital to have a well-constructed repertoire against these lines.

Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 432

Produktet er en del av serien Grandmaster Repertoire

Denne serien av åpningsbøker fra forlaget Quality Chess har faktisk satt en ny standard som grundige og ganske omfattende bøker fra ledende kapasiteter på de ulike åpningene. Stoffet er skrevet for å ha relevans hos lesere helt opp på stormesternivå, men bøkene er også godt nok presenterte til å nå et publikum et godt stykke nedover i rekkene av alminnelige spillere også med rating ned mot cirka 1400.

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