Sjakk-bøker Åpningsbøker 1 d4-åpninger Dronninggambit

GM Repertoire 1B: The Queen's Gambit

En bok i Boris Avrukhs åpningsrepertoar-serie er en begivenhet for alle som ønsker høy kvalitet. Her behandler han 1 d4 d5 2 c4 fra hvits side, unntatt svaret 2...e6 som han har dekket med Katalansk i bind 1A.

Forlagets omtale:

When Boris Avrukh released his 1.d4 repertoire in 2008, it revolutionized chess opening books.

As GM Michael Adams said: “The high-quality Grandmaster Repertoire series has taken this format to a completely different level.”

Or as GM Glenn Flear put it: “This book represents nothing short of a technological advance in chess opening theory.”

Now Avrukh is back with an expanded, updated and revamped 1.d4 repertoire.

Having covered the Catalan in the first instalment, Volume 1B supplies a top-class repertoire for White with the Queen’s Gambit, covering defences such as the Slav, Queen’s Gambit Accepted, Chigorin, Tarrasch and various others. The repertoire will be completed in Volumes 2A and 2B.

Boris Avrukh is a grandmaster from Israel. He is an Olympiad gold medallist, former World Junior Champion and analysis partner of World Championship finalists.

Forordet til Avrukh er en godt kommentert innholdsfortegnelse:

Having dealt with the Catalan in volume 1A, this book continues the reworking of my original Grandmaster Repertoire on 1.d4, by offering an elite repertoire against Black’s remaining possible answers to the Queen’s Gambit. The book spans 24 chapters, which have been divided into three main sections: The Queen’s Gambit Accepted This marks the single biggest change from Grandmaster Repertoire 1 , as I made the bold decision to replace 3.e3 with the more ambitious 3.e4, in order to put more immediate pressure on Black. True, this requires a good level of theoretical knowledge, but the effort should pay off in the long run. These first six chapters contain a multitude of fascinating positions which White players can greatly enjoy. The Slav Defence My core recommendation against the Slav remains the same, with 3. Nf3 Nf6 4.e3 my preferred weapon. The theory has developed significantly since 2008, and my coverage has expanded from 95 pages (spread over nine chapters) to 203 pages over twelve chapters. The biggest single change came after 4...Bg4, when I have switched from 5. Nc3 to 5.h3. But even in those variations where my recommendation has remained broadly the same, I have added numerous improvements and refinements to bring the repertoire fully up to date. Smaller Lines The final six chapters cover all of Black’s remaining defences. My recommended line against the Chigorin has become extremely popular since
GM 1 was published, so the coverage has now
been split across two chapters in order to accommodate the many new developments. Next is the Albin Counter Gambit, where I have kept the same basic set-up for White, but recommended something completely new against Black’s main line. The Tarrasch Defence benefited from the Grandmaster Repertoire treatment in the 2011 book of Aagaard and Ntirlis, who found a nice way to neutralize my previous recommendation. Hopefully, the devotees of that defence will not have such an easy time against the new weapons featured in Chapter 22 of this work. The final chapters of the book deal with the rare defences 2... Bf5, 2...Nf6 and 2...c5; even these unusual moves are no picnic for White, although I have some nice ideas of course...

I hope that you will find a lot of useful material in this book, which will bring you many more successes with the Queen’s Gambit.

Nivå C-D
Utgivelsesdato August 2016
Pris 285 NOK
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Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 400

Produktet er en del av serien Grandmaster Repertoire

Denne serien av åpningsbøker fra forlaget Quality Chess har faktisk satt en ny standard som grundige og ganske omfattende bøker fra ledende kapasiteter på de ulike åpningene. Stoffet er skrevet for å ha relevans hos lesere helt opp på stormesternivå, men bøkene er også godt nok presenterte til å nå et publikum et godt stykke nedover i rekkene av alminnelige spillere også med rating ned mot cirka 1400.

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  • GM Repertoire 1A: 1.d4 The Catalan

    Første del av Avrukhs "d4-bibel" i ny utgave! Her behandler han stillingen etter 1 d4 Sf6 2 c4 e6 3 g3, med hovedsvaret 3...d5 som blir Katalansk, 3...Lb4+ som blir Bogo-indisk og 3...c5 som etter 4 d5 blir en type Benoni.

    April 2015