Sjakk-bøker Taktikk, kombinasjoner og angrep Variantregning (calculation)

Grandmaster Preparation: Calculation

Nivå C-D
Utgivelsesdato Juni 2012
Innbundet 2010 (ikke tilgjengelig)
Pris 295 NOK
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Første bok i Aagaards nye ambisiøse serie for ambisiøse og allerede ganske sterke spillere. Dette er først og fremst en velorganisert treningsbok med en poengtert innledning, gjennomgående krevende eksempler og mange nyttige kommentarer underveis.

Det er en nyere utgave: Grandmaster Preparation: Calculation (utg. 2020) [PAPERBACK]

Den Skottland-baserte danske stormesteren Jacob Aagaard har gjort en imponerende seriøsog dyktig jobb som både sjakkforfatter og forlegger med Quality Chess. I innledningen framhever han at hovedboka hans om det vanskelige temaet teoretisering av variantberegning fortsatt er "Excelling at Chess Calculation" som han kom med for åtte år siden.

VM-utfordrer Boris Gelfand har skrevet et kort forord. Han har blant annet testet noen av oppgavene i denne nye boka.


  • Key to Symbols used 4
  • Foreword by Boris Gelfand 5
  • Series Introduction 6
  • Concentration, Concentration, Concentration 7
  • Calculation Theory in 60 Seconds 11
  • 1 Candidate Moves 15
  • 2 Combinational Vision 43
  • 3 Prophylaxis 77
  • 4 Comparison 103
  • 5 Elimination 123
  • 6 Intermediate Moves 145
  • 7 Imagination 163
  • 8 Traps 199
  • 9 Tests 220
  • 10 Difficult Positions 251
  • Name Index 298

Series Introduction

Ever since I was a junior I have been a chess trainer. At times my dissatisfaction with the conditions for trainers has caused me to be a player as well; and not without some success. But at the end of the day I have had to accept that my destiny is not to feel comfortable on the stage, but rather in the anonymity of the locker room. I have always cared more for the results of my students than my own, just as I have always had lots of passion for training others, but none for training myself.

Over the years I have developed some of the skills necessary to become a decent trainer, not least of all the ability to earn a living by other means! Among other things this means I have become a chess writer. From the moment I started taking pride in my work, I have developed into a not entirely bad one, to the degree where I am finally comfortable enough to publish this series of books, which I have been dreaming about for years.

The series title Grandmaster Preparation is of course a little joke, as the five books originally planned do not include any coverage of the opening. But it is also a serious point at the same time. Grandmaster play does not occur in a vacuum, and it consists of much more than opening preparation, random intuition and even more random calculation. There are rules and methods that have been successful for many decades and will continue to be so in the future. One of my main objectives with this project has been to merge this classic understanding of chess with my own ideas and create a serious training plan for ambitious players.

This is the most ambitious project I have undertaken in my professional life, and there is no escaping the unavoidable imperfection of the execution. I hope the reader will forgive me in advance for any mistakes, but at the same time offer me the confidence to believe in most of what I claim throughout these books. They are heavily researched and based on my experience of working with close to a thousand individuals over the years: from my own daughters, who recently discovered the joy of capturing a piece, to friends who have been involved in World Championship matches. So, please develop your own understanding of chess by questioning everything I say, but at the same time, please never disregard anything I say as unfounded.

When I was a young man I had no access to a classical chess education, and many other grandmasters have had the same experience. It is my hope that this series will help to change this picture in the same way that Mark Dvoretsky’s books have, and the way that Artur Yusupov’s series of nine books (Fundamentals, Beyond the Basics and Mastery) have given juniors and amateurs a clearly-structured method of improvement.

The ultimate goal for this series is to show a path towards playing chess at grandmaster level for those who do not have access to a good trainer. I have worked with some grandmasters who had the kinds of holes in their chess understanding that would baffle the average man on the street. Obviously they excelled in other aspects of the game simultaneously, but over time their weaknesses became obvious to their opponents and their results duly suffered. This series is meant to help those players as well.
Jacob Aagaard, Glasgow 2012

Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 304

Produktet er en del av serien Grandmaster Preparation

Dansk-skotske Jacob Aagaard er en sterk og dyktig spiller, blant annet britisk mester på første forsøk, men er enda mer en av nyere tids betydeligste sjakkforfattere på området trening for ganske sterke spillere som vil videre. Denne serien er et hovedverk i så måte.

Vis andre produkter i denne serien

Se også

  • Grandmaster Preparation: Calculation

    Juli 2020
  • Excelling at Chess Calculation

    IM Jacob Aagaard har fått gode anmeldelser av alle bøkene i denne serien med "Excelling at...". Denne er ett av de beste budene på en bok som knekker noen koder rundt det vanskelige temaet variantregning i sjakk og ikke minst når du skal regne varianter og hvordan du identifiserer kandidattrekkene å velge mellom. Passer best for spillere med ratingstyrke fra omlag 1400 og oppover.

    September 2004