Nivå | C-D |
Utgivelsesdato | Januar 2012 |
Redaktør | |
Pris | 280 NOK |
Informator 112
Informator-bøkene har fornyet seg en god del i de siste utgavene, med nytt innhold, samtidig som de stadig framfor alt er fremragende samlinger av ferske og åpningsmessig interessante mesterpartier.
Informator 112 inneholder 315 kommenterte partier spilt i månedene mai - august 2011, selvfølgelig sortert etter Informator-forlagets egen ECO-nøkkel, og i tillegg mange flere aktuelle partier som referanser flettet inn i kommentarene.
En nyhet fra dette bind 112 er spalten "Rising Stars" som presenterer nye sterke spillere på vei opp på sjakkhimmelen. Denne gang er det den unge kanadiske mesteren Eric Hansen, som også selv kommenterer to av partiene sine, verbalt på engelsk. Den ensidige satsingen på Informators tegnkommentarer er litt på retur selv i Informator, i tider når engelsk stadig noe sterkere blir det internasjonale sjakkspråket.
Denne utgaven har sju solide stormester-åpningsartikler med verbale innledninger på engelsk:
- B19 Caro-Kann Defence; Classical Variation; by GM Dragan Solak
- B48 Sicilian Defence, Paulsen Variation; by GM Milos Perunovic
- B52 Sicilian Defence, Canal-Sokolsky Attack; by GM Dejan Pikula
- C41 Philidor Defence; by GM Bojan Vuckovic
- D32 Tarrasch Defence, Von Henning-Schara Gambit; by GM Ivan Ivanisevic
- D44 Semi-Slav Defence, Botvinnik Variation; by GM Kidambi Sundararajan
- E10 Queen’s Pawn Game; Blumenfeld Gambit; by GM Aleksander Delchev
Utgiverforlagets egen omtale av Informator 112 - i tillegg til de sju åpningsartiklene - sier noe om et omfattende og variert innhold:
Chess Informant 112 brings in the main section a thoroughly refined selection of 315 annotated games and 315 accompanying game fragments from May - August 2011.
Featuring games are from following tournaments, Kazan (World Championship Candidates), La Habana, Lublin, Danzhou, Leon (rapid), Medias, Paks, New Delhi, Biel, Dortmund, Rostov on Don (Women’s Grand Prix), Russia (ch), France (ch), Khanty-Mansiysk (World Cup), etc.
There are more than 100 contributors (66 grandmasters) from thirty-four countries, including well-known players, e.g. Anand, Vitiugov, Tomashevsky, Rublevsky, Volokitin, Inarkiev, Bologan, Sasikiran, Beliavsky, Sargissian, Sjugirov, Wesley So, Marin, Roiz, Tiviakov, Kiril Georgiev, Eric Hansen, Sam Shankland, Jan Timman,
Gagunashvili, Rogers, Vuckovic, Rob. Markus, Ivanisevic, Mastrovasilis brothers, Bassem Amin, Golod, Sulskis, K.Szabo, Halkias, Golod, Enders, Stohl, Zontakh, Haba, B. Damljanovic, Mikhalchishin ...
New column: RISING STARS
This issue of Chess Informant sees the introduction of a new column, giving the stage to young aspiring players to make their presence known.For the first time in the history of this publication, we include, especially for this column, verbal annotations of games in English, so as to allow our commentators to express their thoughts and sentiments during these games and let their personality come through to the reader.
We hope that the column will add a youthful flavor to the book and look forward to receiving contributions from young players all over the world!
For the inaugural column of Rising Stars, our first protagonist, Canadian International Master Eric Hansen from Calgary annotates his exciting first game in the 2011 World Cup, versus top Azeri grandmaster Vugar Gashimov, as well as a spectacular win from the Canadian Championship he won.
Voted by jury, the best game in Informant 111 is the game Pansulaia- Judit Polgar annotated by Judit Polgar. Jury members were expert GM’s Beliavsky, Christiansen, Marin, Matanovic, Mikhalchishin, Ribli and Speelman.
Voted by jury, the best theoretical novelty from Informant 111 is introduced in the game Anand-Wang Hao, annotated by World champion Vishanatan Anand. TN jury members were expert GM’s Beliavsky, Benjamin, Jussupow, Lutz, Matanovic, Mikhalchishin and Timman.
Best theoretical novelty is included in ECO E. Line E25 Nimzo-Indian Defence in ECO style is presented by IM Goran Arsovic.
Chess Informant 112 brings the following content as well:
- Problems; A selection of chess problems prepared by International Solving Grandmaster and Grandmaster of Chess Compositions Milan Velimirovic. (9 problems).
- Studies; A selection of chess studies prepared by International Master and International Master of the Chess Compositions Yochanan Afek (9 studies).
- Endgames (9 endgames).
- Combinations (9 studies).
- Excellent Moves presents aesthetically pleasing and charming positions that do not fit the strict definition of beginning with a sacrifice for inclusion in our Combinations section. (9 examples)
- Tournaments tables and cross tables.
- Portrait of Victor Bologan is presenting 30 games, 18 endings, 18 combinations, mostly annotated by player himself.
Innbundet? | Nei |
Type | Bok |
Språk | Engelsk |
Antall sider | 342 |
Produktet er en del av serien Informators årbøker (3 stk årlig)
De tradisjonsrike årbøkene for åpningsteoretiske feinschmeckere med en stolt utgivelsesrekke helt siden 1966. Populære også for dem som vil ha en oversikt over moderne turneringssjakk i bokhylla, med blant annet tabeller for alle de store turneringene rundt i verden.
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- Pris
- 315
- Nivå
- C-D
- Av
- Utgivelsesdato
- Januar 2012