Nivå | C-D |
Utgivelsesdato | Juli 2021 |
Redaktør | |
Pris | 300 NOK |
Informator 148
Following the sunEn tiltalende Informator-bok med aktuell sjakk fra mest mars, april og mai 2021, med analyser, leseverdige artikler om åpningsspill og annet, og selvfølgelig mange resultater som ellers ekstra lett blir borte fra nettsjakken.
Following the Sun
Presents 350 pages of the very best in chess:
Sokolov - The Candidates Tournament Review
Marin - Old Wine in New Bottles
Foisor - State of Play with Sabina (Attacking Chess)
Leitao - The Search for the Brazilian Immortal
Szabo - The Keres Attack (Theoretical Survey)
Ivanisevic - Ivan’s Short Cuts (Theoretical Overview)
Perunovic - The Rossolimo Sicilian (Theoretical Survey)
Kannapann - The Four Knights for White (Theoretical Survey)
Milanovic - New Ideas in the Philidor Defence (Theoretical Survey)
Prusikin - Shine and Poverty of Double Pawns
Rogers - Biel Festival 1985 and 1986 (Roger’s Reminiscences)
Griffin - A tribute to Lev Polugaevsky
Traditional sections: games, combinations, endings, Correspondence chess, Tournament reviews, the best game from the preceding volume and the most important theoretical novelty from the preceding volume.
The periodical that pros use with pleasure is at the same time a must have publication for all serious students!
Innbundet? | Nei |
Type | Bok |
Språk | Engelsk |
Antall sider | 344 |
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