Sjakk-bøker Åpningsbøker 1 e4-åpninger Generelt og e4-repertoar

Keep it Simple 1.e4

En praktisk repertoarbok for hvit med trekket 1.e4. Mot 1...e5 foreskrives Skotsk firspringerspill 2.Sc3 Sf6 3.d4, mot Siciliansk 1...c5 2.Sf3 d6 eller Sc6 3.Lb5, mot Fransk faktisk Avbyttevarianten 3.exd5 og mot Caro-Kann 1.. c6 2.Sc3 d5 3.Sf3.

Det er en nyere utgave: Keep It Simple 1.e4 - Edition 2.0 [INNBUNDET]

Også de andre svarmulighetene er også bra dekket i denne boka som for hver åpning inneholder både en teoridel og partiutvalg.

Kåret til årets bok 2018, med denne omtalen fra forlaget

Christof Sielecki has won the ChessPub 2018 Book of the Year Award for his book Keep It Simple 1.e4!

This prize is being awarded by, the online publisher of chess opening theory run by English GM Tony Kosten.

Are we at New In Chess surprised that our author IM Christof Sielecki won this fine accolade? Glad yes, surprised not really. His book received some very fine reviews and is selling like hotcakes all over the world.

Why is his repertoire called simple? The variations are straightforward, easy to learn, easy to remember, and require little or no maintenance.

Instead of the most theoretically critical lines, Sielecki chose those that are most uncomfortable for your opponent. GM Glenn Flear think he succeeded: "Sieleckis’s repertoire is sound and annoying. Exactly the sort of thing that will make many an opponent groan", wrote Flear in his review in Yearbook 130.

So it’s now official: because Christof Sielecki kept things simple, it’s easier than ever to make your opponent’s life difficult.

Please have a look at the award-winning Keep It Simple: 1.e4 – A Solid and Straightforward Opening Repertoire for White.

Nivå B-D
Utgivelsesdato November 2018
Pris 360 NOK
Legg i handlevognen

Forlagets egen omtale

Why is this opening repertoire called simple? For the simple reason that the variations are straightforward and easy to remember, and require little or no maintenance.

International Master Christof Sielecki has created a reliable set of opening lines for chess players of almost all levels. The major objective is to dominate Black from the opening, by simple means. You don’t need to sacrifice anything or memorize long tactical lines. Unless Black plays something stupid, when tactics are the simplest punishment.

Sielecki developed this repertoire working with students who were looking for something that was easy to understand and easy to learn. Most of the lines he selected are occasionally played by grandmasters, but on the whole they lie outside the mainstream of opening theory. That means that there is hardly any need to monitor theoretical developments.

Sielecki always clearly explains the plans and counterplans and keeps you focussed on what the position requires. Ambitious players rated 1500 or higher will get great value out of studying this extremely accessible book.

Christof Sielecki is an International Master from Germany. He has been teaching and training chess for many years, and runs a popular YouTube channel called ChessExplained.

National Master Timothy McGrew:

“IM Sielecki has poured an insane amount of time and effort into crafting this White repertoire, focusing for the most part on lines that are used by top GMs but that lie outside of the main streams of opening theory (..) Because the coverage of every option is so extensive, purchasing “Keep it Simple: 1.e4” really is like buying a set of repertoire books. In addition, Sielecki repeatedly points out popular alternative lines that you can study if you want to branch out on your own (..) If you are an ambitious player rated 1500 or higher, and you’d like to round out a serious, bulletproof 1.e4 repertoire suitable for employment up to the titled player level, and you’re ready to squeeze your opponent when the position calls for squeezing and to blitz him when it calls for a lightning strike, you simply can’t lose here.”

Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 363

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