Sjakk-bøker Sjakktrening og læring, generelt

Lessons with a Grandmaster III

Strategic and tactical ideas in modern chess

Tredje bok med partier av tidligere både Sovjetmester og USA-mester Boris Gulko som gjennomgår dem sammen med amatørspilleren Joel Sneed som stiller mange og gode spørsmål om hvorfor og hvordan.

Gulkos partier er svært instruktive, og her blir de grundig forklart for og med en amatørspiller som nå har fått seg en amerikansk rating på 1900.

Kapitlene som angir hovedtemaer for de 30 partiene i denne boka:

  • 1 The Advantage of Two Bishops
  • 2 The Theory of Weak Squares
  • 3 The Struggle for the Initiative
  • 4 Problems Aroun Counterplay
  • 5 Struggle in the Center
  • 6 Mysterious Passed Pawen on the d-file
  • 7 Piece Coordination
  • 8 Psychology in Chess
  • 9 Struggle with Major Pieces
  • 10 Some Strategic Ideas in the Sicilian Defence
  • 11 Some Strategic Ideas in the Catalan

Forlagets egen omtale:

Imagine you are a club player who has been given the opportunity to talk at length with a famous Grandmaster. How would you make the most of this opportunity?

This is the third book in the highly acclaimed Lessons with a Grandmaster series. It bridges the gap between great player and amateur through a series of conversations between teacher, the renowned Grandmaster Boris Gulko, and student Dr. Joel R. Sneed, a professor of psychology and amateur chess player. The lessons are based on Gulko's own battles against fellow Grandmasters.

In this third volume, Gulko and Sneed focus on both strategic and tactical ideas, and how to successfully combine the two parts over the board. Among the many subjects examined are attack and defence, exploiting weak squares, fighting for the initiative, Sicilian strategy and the bishop pair.

  • Learn from the chess games of Boris Gulko

  • Typical questions you would ask a Grandmaster - answered!

  • Improve your strategic and tactical understanding

Nivå B-C
Utgivelsesdato Juni 2015
Pris 260 NOK
Legg i handlevognen
Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 272

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