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Ljubojevic's Best Chess Games

En første bok på engelsk med partier av Ljubomir Ljubojevic som var en verdensstjerne fra midt på 70-tallet til 1990. Zenon Franco har valgt ut 40 av partiene hans og kommenterer grundig og pedagogisk a la Move by move.

Forfatterens introduksjon:

I am very happy because my book Ljubojević’s Best Chess Games has just been published.

The book consists of forty of his best games, played between 1970 and 2008, annotated in the “Move by Move” format, with questions and exercises, a method which is effective both for training and teaching.

I found strange that there are almost no books about his games, because Ljubojević reached number 3 in the world rankings and he was a potential candidate for the world title.

At the start of his career Ljubojević was notable for his dynamic and original style but his play gradually became more rounded and positionally refined.

It has been a pleasure to study the games of Ljubojević in depth and to write about his style of play, which is so pleasing and original.

I hope you like the book

Nivå C-D
Utgivelsesdato Mars 2022
Pris 305 NOK
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Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 261