Sjakk-bøker Partisamlinger og sjakk-historie Partier og sjakk-historie (mest) før 1945

London 1922

En nyutgave, og selvfølgelig med algebraisk notasjon, av den kjente turneringsboken fra Capablancas første opptreden etter at han fratok Lasker VM-tittelen 15 måneder tidligere.

Samtidig var det en av de første store turneringene etter verdenskrigen. Den ble overbevisende vunnet av Capablanca med 13 poeng av 15, foran Aljechin 11 1/2, Vidmar 11, Rubinstein 10 1/2, Bogoljubow 9, Reti og Tartakower 8 1/2, Yates og forfatteren Maroczy 8 poeng.

Partikommentarene er interessante, men relativt kortfattede. Interessant er også et seks siders forord av stormester Andy Soltis, med blant annet omtale og drøfting av "London-reglene" for kampen om VM-tronen, som ble vedtatt under turneringen.

Boka inneholder som en bonus også Capablancas egne kommentarer til de 14 partiene mot Lasker i 1921. Til sammen riktig mye instruktiv og flott sjakk - nyt og lær!

Forlagets egen omtale:

Historic London 1922! Jose Capablanca was the superstar of chess in 1922 and London was his first serious chess in the 15 months since he had won the championship title from Emanuel Lasker. Capablanca was the chessplayer whom even non-players could identify. But the tournament signified not only Capa's return to the game, it was also something of a revival of international chess after four years of war and four more of recovery. The new world champion would ease into first place undefeated ahead of future world champion Alexander Alekhine. The young Dutchman Max Euwe was honing his skills that would also eventually take him to the top of the chess world. And Richard Reti was about to unveil his 'Opening of the Future' - 1.Nf3.

London 1922 is important for all these reasons, but it also served as the setting for the creation of the famous 'London Rules' which would for years govern the way in which prospective challengers to the title would have the right to play the champion. As an added bonus, all fourteen games of the 1921 Capablanca-Lasker title match - with annotations by Capa himself - have been added to this new 21st century edition. Complemented by more than a dozen archival photographs and a Foreword by Andy Soltis putting things into historical perspective, London 1922 belongs in the library of every chessplayer!

Nivå B-D
Utgivelsesdato August 2010
Pris 200 NOK
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Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 128

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