Video Sluttspill

Magical Chess Endgames

Nivå C-D
Utgivelsesdato Juni 2020
Pris 330 NOK
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En praktfull trenings-DVD med med mange lekkerbiskener fra sluttspillenes verden, presentert av den store sluttspillspesialisten GM Karsten Müller. Se bare lista over innholdet.

ChessBase sin egen omtale:

The third and final DVD of the two authors is all about Karsten Müller’s special field: the endgame. Claus-Dieter Meyer has put under the microscope many fascinating examples, making some most surprising discoveries.

This rich treasure trove forms the basis of Karsten Müller’s video presentation on the DVD: in over 4 hours in front of the camera, the Hamburg grandmaster presents to you sensations from the world of endgames - partly reaching far beyond standard techniques and rules of thumb - and rounds off with some cases of with own examples.

The following themes are featured: mate, stalemate, the sharpest endgame weapon zugzwang, the correct exchange to make and different coloured bishops, as well as rook endgames with sections on umbrella, checking distance and Vancura’s draw (pure form and more complex cases). This is training at its best: you can first study endgame technique on video and afterwards deepen your knowledge by solving concrete interactive exercises! Let the magic work on you!

  • Video running time: 4 hours (English)
  • With interactive training including video feedback

ChessBase sin omtale

The third and final DVD of the two authors is all about Karsten Müller’s special field: the endgame. Claus-Dieter Meyer has put under the microscope many fascinating examples, making some most surprising discoveries. This rich treasure trove forms the basis of Karsten Müller’s video presentation on the DVD: in over 4 hours in front of the camera, the Hamburg grandmaster presents to you sensations from the world of endgames - partly reaching far beyond standard techniques and rules of thumb - and rounds off with some cases of with own examples.

Magical Mate
The queen mates
Small Army large attack
White king in a stalemate net
Black king in a mating net
White's king's wanderlust
Knight tricks
Stamma's mate
The losing zone behind the Troitzky line
The desperado rook
The desperado rook 1
The desperado rook 2
Giant slalom
Fortress and stalemate
Fortress or stalemate?
Neither fortress nor stalemate
Less is more
Typical stalemate defences
The stalemate trick
Building a stalemate cage
The stalemate escape
Zugzwang to convert an extra piece
Extra bishop
Extra knight
Zugzwang as weapon against a knight
Botvinnik's Law
The sharpest endgame weapon
Zugzwang as weapon against a bishop
Color blindness
The pair of bishops
Anands active king
Rook vs bishop
The right exchange
Exchange into a pawn endgame
The sharpest endgame weapon
The right transformation
Exchanging for an advantage
Opening an abyss
The side fighting against a rook wants to avoid exchanges
Opposite coloured bishops
Pure endgames have a large drawish tendency
Lasker's brillant idea
The bishop closes the door
King invasion
With rooks they favor the attacker
Carlsen's king
Burn's king
Svidler's sword
Pawn storm blows Black's burg away
The rook invades sooner or later
Fire on Board
Rook endgames
Theoretical rook endings
Dangerous doubled pawns
Eternal cut off
Botvinnik's breakthrough
Lesson from Büsum
Checking distance
Deep points
Gashimov's gravestone
Avoiding a bodycheck
Vancura defense
The fortress draw
Giri's stroke of genius
A new method of defense
Interactive videos
Test section
Knight fight
There is no safe corner
The stalemate net
The endgame of the year 2015
Meyer's masterpiece
Detaljert info
Type DVD
Språk Engelsk
Spilletid 04:00