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Magnus Carlsen's Middlegame Evolution [INNBUNDET]

Nivå C-D
Utgivelsesdato Desember 2021
Pris 350 NOK
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Magnus Carlsen's Middlegame Evolution



Den tidligere verdensstjernen Ivan Sokolov går dypere inn i Magnus sine partier, styrker og svakheter enn andre bøker har gjort. Særdeles interessant og instruktivt også for skikkelig sterke spillere.

Som en viktig del av dette drøfter Sokolov også Magnus sin utvikling. Vi ser dette gjennom tre forsidebilder, fra Bilbao 2007, Chennai 2013 og Stavanger 2020.

Fra forfatterens forord

Throughout my chess career, I have always found it interesting to study how the world champions approach the middlegame, and how greatly the approach differs from champion to champion.

Two years ago, I had the idea to write a series of middlegame books on the world champions and their respective middlegame approaches – to have players such as Spassky, Fischer, Karpov, Kasparov, Kramnik, Anand and Carlsen in the series. Whether this idea will ever be fully realized, I frankly do not know, but I have decided to start with the current World Champion, Magnus Carlsen.

Initially my plan was to write just one book on Magnus, but during the process I realized that in that case many interesting middlegame themes would have to be omitted. The plan has changed, and now there will be two books, the second volume coming out in Spring 2022. While writing this book, I came to some pretty clear opinions about what Magnus likes and dislikes in the middlegame.


  • Space advantage – Magnus loves having a space advantage in general.
  • Pawn breaks – Magnus loves to have pawn breaks available.
  • Space advantage in a fixed pawn structure – when holding a space advantage, pawn breaks are not necessarily needed!
  • Minor sacrifices – you rarely see Magnus ‘sacrificing the house’, usually he opts for a minor sacrifice. This minor sacrifice, usually a pawn but occasionally more, sometimes corresponds to the requirements of the position and sometimes aims to unbalance the opponent.
  • Strong self-confidence – Magnus is excellent at giving his opponents opportunities to go wrong. However, to take the decision to unbalance the situation, one’s level of self-confidence needs to be very high. In this respect Magnus has (in my view) ‘stolen’ a lot from Fischer!
  • Pattern recognition and knowledge application – Magnus is also excellent at this.
  • Finding the best chances in inferior/difficult situations – Magnus is often in trouble, but rarely loses.

Weaknesses (all relative to his high-standard!):

  • Positions with less space in general, and definitely positions with less space and no pawn breaks.
  • Passive positions.
  • Chaotic Tal-like positions. In Tal-like positions, pattern recognition has limited to no value. A person who handles those types of positions well – and is able to impose them on Magnus – would hold the keys to the World Championship!

Forlagets egen omtale

Magnus Carlsen’s mastery of the middlegame is astonishing, even by the standards of World Champions. But how did this power develop, and what can the rest of us learn from it? To explain the mysteries requires another elite grandmaster, and Ivan Sokolov is perfectly qualified for this role.

Magnus Carlsen’s Middlegame Evolution allows the reader to celebrate the brilliance of the highest-rated chess player in history while learning from his example. With insightfully annotated games, Sokolov takes us inside the mind of a chess genius.

GM Ivan Sokolov is a Yugoslav and twice Dutch Champion with decades of experience of elite chess. His peak rating was over 2700, and his extensive list of scalps includes Kasparov, Kramnik and Anand.

005 Introduction
009 1) A Minor Sacrifice
041 2) Pawn Majority in the Centre
071 3) Hanging Pawns in the Centre
099 4) Mastering the Nimzo-Indian Sämisch
141 5) Attack & Prophylaxis
159 6) Knight Dominates Bishop
171 7) Magnus is Human
235 8) Exercises
243 9) Solutions
270 Game Index
273 Opening Index
274 Game Index by Carlsen’s Opponents
275 Index of Photos
276 Name Index
Detaljert info
Innbundet? Ja
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 277
Vekt (g) 670

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