Sjakk-bøker Midtspillet strategi Innføring i strategi

Mastering Chess Middlegames

Lectures from the All-Russian School of Grandmasters

En konkret treningsbok i midtspill fra den sovjetiske sjakkskolen. Viktige temaer blir vist i 12 kapitler, og så har hvert kapittel ikke minst en rekke treningsoppgaver som du bes arbeide seriøst med.

Selvfølgelig fenomenalt gode eksempler som vil egne seg godt for interesserte spiller med ratingnivå fra cirka 13-1400 og skikkelig oppover.

Forlagets egen omtale:

Grandmaster Alexander Panchenko (1953-2009) was one of the most successful chess trainers in the Soviet Union, and later in Russia. His legendary chess school specialised in turning promising players into masters.

The secrets of Panchenko’s success were his dedication and enthusiasm as a teacher combined with his outstanding training materials.

Now, his classic Mastering Chess Middlegames is for the first time available in translation, giving club-players around the world access to his unique training method.

The book contains a collection of inspiring lessons on the most important middlegame topics.

In each chapter, Panchenko clearly identifies the fundamentals, formulates easy-to-grasp rules, presents a large number (more than 250) of well-chosen examples and ends with more than 150 practical tests.

The brilliance of Alexander Panchenko’s didactic method shines through in this book. It is hard to give better advice to ambitious chess players than to follow this tried-and-tested and highly instructive road towards mastering the chess middlegame.

Grandmaster Artyom Timofeev: “The best theoretical work and practical advice on the subject of the middlegame.”

Nivå C-D
Utgivelsesdato Oktober 2015
Pris 275 NOK
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Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 272