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Miguel Najdorf - 'El Viejo'

Life, Games and Stories

En bemerkelsesverdig stor, innholdsrik, grundig og leseverdig, ja temmelig komplett, bok om og delvis av den sjakkspillende personligheten Miguel Najdorf (1910-97) som kom fra Polen og slo seg ned i Argentina.

Bokas undertittel "El Viejo" betyr på spansk den gamle (mannen), som var det han ble kalt i senere år da han fortsatt var en høyst aktiv og vital stormester.

Fra forordet:

I was lucky enough to play against six world champions and several top players in my modest chess career, but the greatest player I feel privileged to have known, to have spent time with him, was Miguel Najdorf, “El Viejo”.

This is a chess book, with 275 commented games, it covers all his chess career, but it has also many stories. Najdorf was the most important Argentinean chess player, and he was an exceptional person.

Oscar Panno said that Najdorf reminded him of Don Quixote, in the part of the book where he tells Sancho Panza, “Wherever I am, that is where the head of the table is going to be”.

He successfully overcame the most terrible setbacks, as few are capable of doing. Writing about Miguel Najdorf is one of my greatest pleasures as a chess journalist and writer!

At that time I was unaware of the strength of the masters. The first time I went to the Club Argentino de Ajedrez (Argentine Chess Club) I watched several masters playing blitz games (or “ping-pong” games, as they used to say over there) and for me they were all very good, of similar strength. When I asked him who was the best, Wexler did not hesitate: “Najdorf, Najdorf.”

Zenon Franco Ocampos, April 2021.

Forlagets omtale av forfatteren:

Zenon Franco Ocampos was born in Asuncion, Paraguay, May 12, 1956. From there he moved to Buenos Aires until 1990. Since 1990 he has lived in Spain. Zenon authored 28 chess books which have been published in six languages. In addition to his books, he has served as a chess columnist for the Paraguayan newspapers ‘Hoy’ and ‘ABC Color’ for 17 years. He has written a chess column for magazines from Argentina, Italy, and Spain. Zenon is most respected Grandmaster and FIDE Senior Trainer. He has participated in 11 chess Olympiads and will now captain the Paraguay team during the Moscow Olympiad 2021. His greatest achievements winning gold medals at the Olympiads of Luzern, 1982 and Novi Sad, 1990. His most successful students were GM F.Vallejo Pons and IM David Martinez Martin, Spanish editor of

Utgivelsesdato September 2021
Pris 430 NOK
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Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 720