Sjakk-bøker Partisamlinger og sjakk-historie Biografier og partier enkeltspillere

Mikhail Tal's Best Games 3, 1972-1992: The Invincible

Tredje og siste bind i biografien om og med den store Mikhail Tal. De siste 20 årene hans er rørende lesning, inkludert helseproblemene, og gir en innsiktsfull gjennomgang av en strålende sjakk-karriere og ditto 108 utvalgte partier!

Forlagets omtale:

In this, the third and final volume of his landmark series, award-winning author Tibor Károlyi concludes his investigation into the life and career of Mikhail Tal, the most entertaining and popular world champion of all time.

This book covers the final two decades of Tal’s life and games, from 1972 until his death in 1992. Despite being more than a decade removed from his world title reign, the early 1970s saw Tal rewrite chess history with two record-breaking unbeaten streaks. Other highlights include victory in the Montreal 1979 Tournament of Champions, and winning the World Blitz Championship in 1988.

Despite Tal’s unbeaten streaks and more mature playing style, his attacking flair did not desert him, and the reader will find many more delightful sacrifices and creative gems from one of the most remarkable careers in chess history. As in the previous volumes, insightful chess analysis and biographical research is complemented by anecdotes from famous players who share their memories of Tal “The Invincible”.

International Master Tibor Károlyi was Hungarian Champion in 1984 and is renowned as both an author and a trainer. He won the Guardian Book of the Year prize in 2007.

Forfatterens forord:

The Invincible is the third and final part of my investigation into Mikhail Tal’s unique life and chess career. It spans the period from the beginning of 1972 up to his death in 1992. At the start of this period it had been more than a decade since Tal lost the return match for the World Championship against Botvinnik, yet Tal’s career was about to experience a resurgence, helped by his second marriage and a successful medical operation, which led to a big improvement in his health.

In the early seventies, Tal made history by first setting a record unbeaten streak, and then breaking his own record with an even longer streak! By that time Fischer had become World Champion and

Karpov was the rising star of Soviet chess. Tal worked with Karpov to help him prepare for his 1975 match against Fischer, although in the end it didn’t matter because the enigmatic American forfeited the title.

The Magician from Riga went on to become Karpov’s second, his valuable input helping Karpov to defend his title against Korchnoi in 1978 and 1981. Tal’s level of play varied during these years, but his genius never stopped producing beautiful ideas in his games. In 1978, Tal achieved a huge milestone by equalling Botvinnik’s record of six victories in the super-strong Soviet Championship. The following year, Tal tied for first place with Karpov in the Montreal ‘Tournament of Stars’ – one of the strongest tournaments in chess history, which included almost all of the world’s top players. Towards the end of his life in 1988, Tal even became World Blitz Champion.

Tal was unique in many ways, but I would like to underline one thing which will already be
obvious to anyone who has read the previous two volumes: Tal was universally liked, not only by the chess public but even by his rivals.

Dear Reader: if you are a recreational player you will take great pleasure from Tal’s imaginative masterpieces; and if you want to improve your chess, you can learn a tremendous amount from his games. Along the way, you will find out a lot more about Tal’s life, personality and humour. Just as in the previous volumes, there are many illuminating testimonials from well-known players who were lucky enough to know and/or play against the Magician.

I am convinced that Tal’s incredible life and career deserved such a detailed investigation, and
hope you will enjoy this final instalment of the series. Tal passed away on June 28th 1992, so it seems fitting that this book should be published so close to the twenty-fifth anniversary of that day.

Tibor Karolyi Budapest, June 2017

Nivå B-D
Utgivelsesdato September 2017
Pris 295 NOK
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Mikhail Tal's Best Games 3, 1972-1992: The Invincible

Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 541

Produktet er en del av serien Mikhail Tal's Best Games

Tidligere verdensmester Mikhail Tal var kanskje den mest publikumsvennlige sjakkspilleren som har levd. Den ungarske IM'en Tibor Karolyi har forsket på Tals liv og karriere og presenterer resultatene i tre gjennomarbeidede bøker. De inneholder grundige og fine kommentarer til et stort antall av Tals severdige partier, sammen med en ganske detaljert gjennomgang av livet til den sympatiske "trollmannen fra Riga".

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