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My Great Predecessors 4 [PAPERBACK]

Utgivelsesdato August 2020
2003 (ikke tilgjengelig)
Pris 360 NOK
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Forlagets egen omtale

This book brings together the two greatest names in the history of chess. The author, Garry Kasparov, is the world number one and, by common consent, the greatest player ever. The subject of the book, Bobby Fischer, is the only American to have become world champion and is probably the greatest natural talent the world has ever seen.

In the period between 1955 and 1972 Fischer, more or less single-handedly, took on the might of the Soviet Chess Empire, and won. During this time Fischer scored astonishing successes the like of which had not been seen before. These included 11/11 in the 1963/64 US Championship and match victories (en route to the World Championship) by the score of 6-0 against two of the strongest players in the world, Mark Taimanov and Bent Larsen. The climax of Fischer's campaign was his unforgettable match win in Reykjavik in 1972 against Boris Spassky.

Fischer is almost equally well-known for his temperamental behaviour away from the board, as his play on it. He made extreme demands of all those around him including tournament organisers. When these demands were not met he often refused to play. The 1972 match against Spassky required the intervention of no less than Henry Kissinger to smooth things over. In 1975 when he was due to defend his title against Anatoly Karpov, Fischer was completely unable to agree terms with FIDE (the World Chess Federation) and was defaulted. After this he more or less gave up chess, playing only once, a 'return' match against Spassky in 1992.

In this book, a must for all serious chessplayers, Kasparov analyses deeply Fischer's greatest games and assesses the legacy of this great American genius.

005 Introduction: Stars of the West
007 1 Sammy, Miguel and Bent
007 Reshevsky
007 Olympian Long-liver
013 Second Coming
023 A bitter Pill
030 The Fine Enigma
049 The lone Warrior
068 Champion of 'the Rest of the World'
077 The last Chance
086 Seven-Times Champion
097 Finale
111 'I want to play and play...'
114 Najdorf
114 Don Miguel
116 Echo of Groningen
120 The last of the Mohicans
129 King's Indian Revelations
135 Hard-Hitting Veteran
142 'Chess is a Mirror of the Soul'
148 Larsen
148 The Danish Prince
155 Joining the Elite
168 At the Peak of his Career
181 Lessons in the 'Meran'
197 Against the two 'K's

206 2 Robert the Eleventh
206 The lone Genius
207 'He learned from God himself!'
219 European Debut
252 Adult Games
260 Duel of the Prodigies
281 Hat-Trick in Bled
291 'The Russian Pact'
307 Hello America!
317 Endurance Test
324 Hara-Kiri
336 He came, he saw, he conquered!
355 A vertical Ascent
369 The first Victim
394 Battle in Denver
406 The Miracles continue
429 Battle of the Gods
467 Abdication
478 The great Recluse
492 Bibliography
492 Index of Players
495 Index of Openings
Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 498

Produktet er en del av serien My Great Predecessors

Kasparovs storslagne sjakkhistoriske verk i fem bind om verdensmesterne fram til ham selv. I tillegg til de tolv offisielle verdensmesterne fra Steinitz til og med Karpov berører bøkene også noen av de største spillerne før Steinitz og noen av de betydelige nesten-verdensmesterne som har satt preg på historien fram til 1980-tallet. Dette er fem flotte innbundne bøker som gjerne kan pynte i selve stasbokhyllene på stua og ikke behøver gjemmes i sjakkbiblioteket...

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