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My Magic Years with Topalov

Den sterke franske stormesteren Romain Edouard var sekundant for Veselin Topalov fra 2010 til 14 da han blant annet vant FIDE Grand Prix 2012-13 og ble VM-kandidat igjen. Denne boka forteller om disse "magiske" årene, med beundring for Topalovs evige jakt etter kompromissløs sjakk.

En bok som handler om Topalovs spennende partier og gir mye inntrykk av hvordan de skarpe åpningsideene bak dem ble unnfanget.

Romain Edouard selv kom også over 2700 i rating i juni 2014, "I would like to think it was because he worked with me, not because he stopped working with me", som Topalov skriver i et vennlig forord.

Fra forordet

For the purpose of writing this book I decided to look at all the games Veselin has played from 1995 until the present, as there were many I didn’t know! I must say that, although seeing great moves from a 2800 player sounds normal, it was impossible not to be astonished by some of his games.

Topalov is one of the kings of practical decisions in chess. He regards chess as more a sport than a science. If he thinks an idea will work over the board, the notion of risk is irrelevant to him. He wants to be on the attack and believes an objectively inferior position isn’t necessarily bad if his opponent needs to find several difficult defensive moves. “If that’s the only move for my opponent, let’s enter the line and see if he sees it!” is his philosophy.

He never liked peace over the board or routine play. The moments where he has refused to repeat moves or has sacrificed something strictly out of intuition are countless. In short, Topalov’s aim has always been to hit hard and bring his own touch to the game, and I think he has succeeded!

Nivå C-D
Utgivelsesdato Januar 2019
Pris 360 NOK
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Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 308