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New In Chess Magazine 2012 6

Nivå B-D
Utgivelsesdato September 2012
Pris 90 NOK
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Et nytt festnummer av ferske og gamle godbiter fra sjakkens verden, mest fra de store gutta, og jentene, i verdenstoppen. Lesestoff for sjakkentusiaster, og noen glimrende kommenterte partier i tillegg...

INNHOLDET denne gang:

NIC’s Café

Your Move

Wang Hao’s sixpack A wealth of fighting chess in the 45th Biel Chess Festival. Wang Hao’s six wins (three points per win), one draw and three losses (two against Carlsen!) resulted in one of the finest tournament victories in his career.

Interview: Wang Hao An unusual talent who has rediscovered his pleasure in the game and is happily facing the opportunities an unknown future has on offer.

Dortmund King Caruana Fabiano Caruana, currently the world’s most active elite grandmaster, scored his first super tournament victory, just in time for his twentieth birthday.

‘Get ready, ‘cause here I come’ Lubos Kavalek was in Reykjavik for the 'Match of the Century', both as a journalist and, in the second half, as Bobby Fischer’s second. Forty years on, he relives a most memorable chess experience.

Hertan’s Forcing Moves

Hou Yifan wins FIDE Grand Prix With a clear first place in the Jermuk GP, the Women’s World Champion secured overall victory in the 2011-12 FIDE Grand Prix, confirming her status in today’s women’s chess.

Symbiosis Nigel Short looks at various tiebreakers and wonders if it makes sense to change the rules of the game.

Be prepared! In his new ground-breaking book Vladimir Tukmakov shows how you should prepare for your opponent in the Information Age.

Through the Luking Glass Luke McShane has been reading books you may want to read too!

Dancing dervish Hans Ree on Walter Browne’s autobiographical games collection The Stress of Chess.

A fine tradition Jan Timman thoroughly enjoyed the 34th Politiken Cup in Helsingor, Danmark.

Just Checking Does Sam Shankland have any ­superstitions concerning chess?

Did they play your opening?

In this issue games with the following openings were annotated by world class players:

Sicilian - Wang Hao-Nakamura, by Nakamura - Rasmussen-Timman, by Timman

French - Leko-Caruana, by Leko

Ruy Lopez - Caruana-Kramnik, by Caruana - Hou Yifan-Ruan Lufei, by Hou Yifan

Nimzo-Indian - Carlsen-Wang Hao, by Timman

King's Indian - Giri-Bacrot, by Giri - Giri-Wang Hao, by Wang Hao - Colpe-Romanov, by Timman - Bulski-Cheparinov, by Timman

Réti - Burmakin-Svane, by Timman

Detaljert info
Type Tidsskrift
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 98

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