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New In Chess Magazine 2013 6

Nivå B-D
Utgivelsesdato September 2013
Pris 90 NOK
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Et nytt både vakkert og innholdsrikt kvalitetsnummer av New In Chess Magazine. Overraskelsen denne gang er kanskje den omfattende sjakkinteressen til Che Guevara, her sammen med Najdorf, Smyslov, Korchnoi og flere. Artig å lese.

INNHOLD denne gang:

Your Move

NIC’s Café

Dortmund As Dortmund celebrated 40 years of international top-level chess, Vladimir Kramnik was the obvious star to watch. On any given day, the Russian’s score would have sufficed for an eleventh trophy, but not at the 41st Sparkassen Chess Meeting, where 41-year-old Mickey Adams baffled friend and foe, and himself, with a dream score of 7 out of 9.

Che and Chess When you think of Ernesto (‘Che’) Guevara, your mind probably leaps to the famous images of the revolutionary – the beard, the cigar, and the final photograph after his assassination in Bolivia in 1967. Few, perhaps, would picture him at the chessboard. Yet chess was one of his great passions.

The Same Excellent Fish Jan Timman returned to the Politiken Cup and immediately felt at home again.

Beware: Brilliancy!

In Search of Maximalism In Biel, regular guest Maxime ­Vachier-Lagrave repeated his victory of 2009. In a first-hand account the winner explains that his win could have been smoother if he had used his chances more effectively.

Commuting to Canada If you travel as much as Nigel Short does, your knowledge about jet-lags can only expand.

Beijing GP While Shakhriyar Mamedyarov claimed the fifth FIDE Grand Prix and Veselin Topalov qualified for the next Candidates’ tournament, Anish Giri kept his promise to our readers.

Sadler on Books Here’s your guide to the French Winawer!

King’s Gambit Inspired by John Shaw’s monumental The King’s Gambit, Hans Ree writes about his own love for this brain-crushing opening.

Just Checking Which three people would Alexander Ipatov like to invite for dinner?

Did they play your opening?


  • Ivanchuk-Wang Yue, by Giri
  • Vachier-Lagrave-Moiseenko, by Vachier-Lagrave

King's Fianchetto

  • Vachier-Lagrave-Ding Liren, by Vachier-Lagrave


  • Naiditsch-Khenkin, by Naiditsch
  • Giri-Topalov, by Giri

Ruy Lopez

  • Negi-Brunello, by Timman
  • Caruana-Adams, by Adams

King's Pawn

  • Topalov-Morozevich, by Topalov

Queen's Gambit Declined

  • Andreikin-Kramnik, by Andreikin


  • Ivanchuk-Mamedyarov, by Giri


  • Grischuk-Leko, by Giri

Grünfeld Indian

  • Kramnik-Caruana, by Timman
  • Moiseenko-Vachier-Lagrave, by Moiseenko
  • Timman-Teplyi, by Timman
  • Mamedyarov-Giri, by Giri

King's Indian

  • Bacrot-Ding Liren, by Vachier-Lagrave
  • Rapport-Ding Liren, by Vachier-Lagrave

Dutch Defence

  • Gelfand-Giri, by Giri

English Opening

  • Grischuk-Mamedyarov, by Grischuk


  • Grischuk-Wang Yue, by Giri
Detaljert info
Type Tidsskrift
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 106

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