Nivå | B-D |
Utgivelsesdato | August 2012 |
Redaktør | |
Pris | 90 NOK |
New In Chess Magazine 2012 5
Magnus Carlsen er som vi ser en hovedperson i New in Chess Magazine nummer 5, og manageren hans Espen Agdestein er intervjuobjekt denne gang, særlig om prosessen å bygge opp Magnus som en merkevare.
Innholdsfortegnelsen røper naturligvis en variert magasinnummer av vanlig høy kvalitet:
- Top players annotate their games
- Exclusive comments by Carlsen, Kramnik, Caruana, Morozevich, Radjabov, Svidler, McShane, Humpy Koneru and Anna Muzychuk
- NIC's Café
- Your Move
- Passionate play in Pashkov House
- Little more than a week after the World Championship match, Moscow was once again the scene of a major chess event. With the high number of draws in the match still fresh in mind, and remembering the frustrating deadlock in the vast majority of last year's hard-fought games, many awaited the seventh Tal Memorial with some concern. Those worries were rapidly dispelled.
- Magnus Carlsen, the Brand
- Espen Agdestein reveals what it takes to turn a chess player into a brand.
- Sasha and Seryozha up to Speed
- The Rapid and Blitz World Championships in Astana ended in victories for Russian aces Sergey Karjakin and Alexander Grischuk.
- Dawn of a new century
- Having visited 100 countries, Nigel Short laconically decided to visit number 101.
- Hertan's Forcing Moves
- Master of the Grünfeld
- Peter Svidler presents a further sample of his expertise in this grand opening.
- Larsen's prophecies
- You cannot learn much about chess if you only rely on Informant symbols (+-, !?) or computer assessments (+2.31, -1.08), argues Mihail Marin, underpinning his conviction with a fascinating analysis of Fischer-Larsen, Santa Monica 1966.
- Close race in Kazan
- The fourth leg of the FIDE Women Grand Prix in the capital of the Russian Republic of Tatarstan ended in a shared win for the only two players that remained undefeated, Humpy Koneru from India and Anna Muzychuk from Slovenia.
- Through the Luking Glass
- Luke McShane gives his views on two very different books.
- Deviate at move 6 in the Tarrasch!
- Put your opponent to the test with an astonishing Queen retreat, says Jeroen Bosch
- Going his own way
- Dick van Geet, who died on April 29 at the age of 80, was much more than the man who gave his name to an opening, writes Hans Ree.
- Carlsen's preparation
- Would Magnus' results improve if he were to build a sharp opening repetroire as White? Asks Jan Timman.
- Just Checking
- Who is Evgeny Tomashevsky's favourite football player?
- Did they play your opening?
- In this issue games with the following openings were annotated by world class players:
- Sicilian
- McShane-Radjabov, by Radjabov
- Caro-Kann
- Muzychuk-Stefanova, by Muzychuk
- Ruy Lopez
- McShane-Kramnik, by Timman
- McShane-Carlsen, by Carlsen
- Scotch
- Caruana-Kramnik, by Caruana
- Radjabov-Carlsen, by Timman
- Slav
- Aronian-McShane, by McShane
- Aronian-Morozevich, by Morozevich
- King's Indian
- Kramnik-Grischuk, by Kramnik
- Grünfeld-Indian
- Navara-Svidler, by Svidler
- English Opening
- Lahno-Koneru, by Koneru
Type | Tidsskrift |
Språk | Engelsk |
Antall sider | 106 |
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