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New In Chess Magazine 2015 3

Nivå B-D
Utgivelsesdato Mai 2015
Pris 120 NOK
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Stormester Erwin L'Ami pryder forsiden av det nye magasinet, etter seieren i Reykjavik Open som han beretter fra. Tidligere Reykjavik-helt Bobby Fischer er en annen hovedperson i dette nummeret, med en 12 siders artikkel også om hans mørke sider.

Innhold i dette nummeret:

NIC’s Café

Facing Bobby Fischer Dirk Jan ten Geuzendam argues that only by separating the person from the chess genius can we embrace the legacy of one of the greatest and most inspiring champions our game has ever seen.

Erwin's Saga In a personal account the winner of the Reykjavik Open relives 'the best two weeks of my chess career'.

Fair & Square

Long Diagonal Provocation An SOS solution to 2.b3 against the Sicilian.

Senior Moments Nigel Short and a motley crew of fellow curmudgeons took part in the World Senior Team Championship.

Parimarjan's Chess Gym A swindler never gives up!

So, How Do You Resign? Genna Sosonko looks at the options.

Reaching the Summit The powerhouses of the future met in Hyderabad. China beat India 18-14.

Maximize Your Tactics

Kasparov on the Warpath Hans Ree on the 13th World Champion's political views.

Tbilisi Grand Prix Evgeny Tomashevsky looks poised to qualify for the Candidates' tournament.

Buy the DVD or by the Book? Matthew Sadler looks at both ways to study openings.

Instant Fame for 44.g1!! Jan Timman and Denis Khismatullin on the Move of the Year (probably).

Watching with Anish

Just Checking

Contributors to this issue Adhiban Baskaran, Jeroen Bosch, Murray Chandler, Anish Giri, Denis Khismatullin, Dylan McClain, Parimarjan Negi, Maxim Notkin, Hans Ree, Matthew Sadler, Nigel Short, Genna Sosonko, Jan Timman, Evgeny Tomashevsky

Detaljert info
Type Tidsskrift
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 106

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  • New In Chess Magazine 2012 1

    Vi behøver vel knapt si annet enn at her er enda et flott nummer av verdens ledende og mest leseverdige og severdige sjakktidsskrift.

    Februar 2012
  • New In Chess Magazine 2012 7

    Masse godt stoff og mest fra sjakk-OL i Istanbul. Portrettintervju med Eugenio Torre, Asias første stormester på 70-tallet, som nå spilte i stt 21. sjakk-OL, som er rekord. Men det handler også mye om møtene gjennom mange år med hans venn Bobby Fischer.

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