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New In Chess Magazine 2019 / 3

Nivå B-D
Utgivelsesdato Mai 2019
Pris 165 42 NOK
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Nakamuras femte USA-mesterskap, Caruana som lynsjakkspiller og en interessant artikkel om forholdet mellom Bobby Fischer og Bill Lombardy gir en amerikansk profil denne gang, men også reportasjer fra russiske triumfer i VM for lag og i Praha med Vitiugov. Og et stort bilde fra sjakkpuben i Oslo.

Ellers en hel artikkel fra Jacob Aagaard med grundige vurderinger av den hotte boka "Game Changer".

New In Chess Magazine er nærmest uslåelig i kombinasjonen lesestoff, partistoff og bilder fra sjakkens verden i nåtid og litt fortid.

This Issue:

8 Move for Equality

In The Good Knight in Oslo, Magnus Carlsen and Anish Giri recorded a video with a global message.

10 NIC’s Café

Dreamlike experiences for an 8-year-old refugee from Nigeria and a 42-year-old grandmaster from Estonia. And why talking during the game may help.

12 Nakamura turns back the clock

At the U.S. Championship in St. Louis, Nakamura regained 15 rating points and earned $50,000 with his fifth national title. Seventeen-year-old Jennifer Yu claimed the women’s title with a stunning 10/11.

15 Celeb64: Ennio Morricone

20 Fair & Square

What’s chess got to do with Brexit? And Woody Harrelson has a bad addiction.

28 Gold for Russia

At the World Teams in Astana the Russian men coasted to a convincing victory, for a good part thanks to another brilliant performance by rapidly rising star Vladislav Artemiev.

44 Bill and Bobby

As he revisits the life-long friendship between Bobby Fischer and Bill Lombardy, Joseph G. Ponterotto points out many remarkable and sometimes uncanny parallels between their lives and personalities.

55 Maximize Your Tactics

Find the right moves.

56 Game Changer

Jacob Aagaard explains what he dislikes and likes in the bestseller Matthew Sadler and Natasha Regan wrote about AlphaZero.

62 Master of Prague

Nikita Vitiugov was the first winner of the top group of the new Prague Chess Festival.

76 Judit Polgar

Moves that your opponent didn’t see coming, can be strong and effective purely because of their psychological impact.

80 Secrets of Opening Surprises

Jeroen Bosch dissects a daring try in the Torre Attack.

84 The Blitz Whisperer

Maxim Dlugy thinks that Fabiano Caruana is a much better blitz player than people think and shows you the evidence.

92 Valentina’s Day

Never a dull moment at the Saint Louis Chess Club. Valentina Gunina won the inaugural Cairns Cup, a new all-female tournament named after Dr. Jeanne Sinquefield (maiden name Cairns).

98 Sadler on Books

A fine best games collection by Michal Krasenkow, a high-level opening guide by Ivan Sokolov and more new books to fill your shelves.

102 Hidden Traps and Tricks

Jan Timman presents tactics and fascinating endings that he spotted in recent tournaments.

106 Just Checking

Which book would Pontus Carlsson give to a dear friend?

Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Tidsskrift
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 106

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