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New In Chess Magazine 2020 / 7

Magnus Carlsen fronter igjen New In Chess Magazine, både som konge på nettet og vinner av Norway Chess. Et nytt allsidig nummer med historisk artikkel om Steinitz og Timmans minner om nylig avdøde Uhlmann.

Innholdet presentert av utgiveren:

6 The Queen’s Gambit Garry Kasparov acted as the chess consultant for the eagerly awaited Netflix series The Queen’s Gambit based on Walter Tevis’s 1983 novel.

8 NIC’s Café Magnus Carlsen visited the Oslo Stock Exchange to mark another milestone in his remarkable career. And there’s a huge difference between cheating (totally silly) and swindling (super cool)!

10 Your Move More on The Origin of Good Moves, and another rook endgame that was not drawn at all.

12 A memorable Norway Chess His unbeaten streak in classical chess ended after 125(!) games, but that could not stop Magnus Carlsen from claiming his third Norway Chess title. While the World Champion was critical of his play, he thoroughly enjoyed his return to ‘the wooden screen’.

17 Celeb64: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

40 William Steinitz Tim Harding, author of the new book Steinitz in London, explains why this great player deserves a reassessment.

50 Carlsen and So share victory In the face of the pandemic, the Saint Louis Chess Club moved the annual Rapid & Blitz online. Wesley So sensationally took the lead ahead of Magnus Carlsen, who suffered an annoying disconnect. In the Blitz, the World Champion fought back to share the spoils with the American.

64 Maximize Your Tactics Find the right moves.

67 What would you play? Test your decision-making skills with Thomas ‘Toolbox’ Willemze.

72 Bundesliga at the board The desire to play ‘real chess’ again was palpable, and dozens of foreign top players eagerly travelled to Karlsruhe for the Bundesliga Tournament.

85 Fair & Square ‘The least satisfying of desires.’ Who described chess this way?

86 Ivanchuk’s lessons When he withdraws to ‘Planet Chuky’, his opponents know that the Force is against them. Judit Polgar tells us what she has learnt from the Ukrainian legend.

90 Sadler on Books Our book reviewer wonders if chess books are getting bigger! The new games collections of David Navara and Tigran Petrosian are certainly hefty tomes, but he also read less heavy works.

95 They Are the Champions Sabrina Vega Gutierrez is the national women’s champion of Spain.

96 Chess Pattern Recognition Doubled pawns a weakness? Push them!

98 Wolfgang Uhlmann (1935-2020) Jan Timman remembers the best chess player East-Germany has ever produced.

104 Just Checking Does Willy Hendriks believe that a knowledge of chess is useful in everyday life?

More Information

Nivå B-D
Utgivelsesdato November 2020
Pris 175 44 NOK
Legg i handlevognen
Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Tidsskrift
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 106

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