Sjakk-bøker Åpningsbøker Generelt New In Chess årbøker

New In Chess Yearbook 118

Nivå C-D
Utgivelsesdato Mars 2016
Pris 430 NOK
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Enda en ny utgave med både solide og friske åpningsartikler som litt sterke spillere mer eller mindre også kan bruke på direkten for å prøve noe nytt som overrasker motstanderen. Etter 32 år overlater stormester Sosonko nå redaktørkrakken til kollega Jan Timman.

Prisen gjelder paperback-utgaven av boka. Vi har den oftest også inn som innbundet bok til prisen kr 345. Skriv innbundet bok i kommentarfeltet til bestillingen hvis det er den du ønsker!



The Forum Section contains a quite vehement discussion on the right to give your name to an opening variation, the announcement of the winner of the Novelty of the Year 2015 contest, as well as theoretical contributions by, among others, Bogdan Lalic, Luis Rodi and José Vilela. Moreover, we are preparing a very special surprise for you!


In his column Repertoire Building with Benjamin, the American GM starts an intriguing discussion of isolated queen’s pawn positions in different openings. In Kuzmin’s Harvest, Alexey Kuzmin takes a look at what the world top has cooked up opening-wise for the annual Tata Steel event.


Glenn Flear reviews Grandmaster Repertoire: The Dragon, Volumes 1 and 2, by Gawain Jones, Understanding the Queen’s Gambit Accepted by Alexander Delchev and Semko Semkov, David Smerdon’s acclaimed The Scandinavian, as well as Alexey Bezgodov’s latest opening book called The Double Queen’s Gambit.


1.e4 openings Sicilian Defence - Moscow Variation 3...Nd7 - Panczyk/Ilczuk Sicilian Defence - Najdorf Variation 6.Be3 - Ninov Sicilian Defence - Najdorf Variation 6.h3 - Bosch Sicilian Defence - Scheveningen Variation 6.Be2 - I.Almasi Sicilian Defence - Richter-Rauzer Variation 8.Nxc6 - Debashis/Mchedlishvili Sicilian Defence - Accelerated Dragon 2...g6 - S.Kasparov Sicilian Defence - Four Knights Variation 6.Nxc6 - Rodi Sicilian Defence - Closed Variation 2.Nc3 - Adorjan Pirc Defence - 3.f3 Line - De Dovitiis Petroff Defence - 3.Nxe5 Nxe4 Line - Wolochowicz Ruy Lopez - Marshall Attack 8...d5 - Lukacs/Hazai Ruy Lopez - Open Variation 5...Nxe4 - A.Kuzmin King’s Pawn Openings - Philidor Defence 6.g3 - Karolyi King’s Pawn Openings - Two Knights: Early Divergences 5...Nxd5 - Schroeder Various Openings - Budapest Gambit 3...Ng4 - Tuncer Various Openings - English Defence 2...b6 - Gonda

1.d4 openings Queen’s Gambit Declined - Cambridge Springs Variation 6...Qa5 - Ikonnikov Slav Defence - Early Divergences 4.g3 - Ivanisevic Nimzo-Indian Defence - Ragozin Variation 5.Qa4 - Prasanna Queen’s Indian Defence - Bogo-Indian 3...Bb4 - Antic Grünfeld Indian Defence - Fianchetto Variation 4.g3 - Vigorito Grünfeld Indian Defence - Exchange Variation: Other Lines 5.Bd2 - Fogarasi King’s Indian Defence - Fianchetto Variation 3.g3 - K.Szabo Benoni Defence - Benko Gambit 3...b5 - Perunovic Queen’s Pawn Openings - The 2.Bf4 Line - Van der Werf

Others English Opening - Reversed Sicilian 3.g3 - Marin/Stoica English Opening - Symmetrical Variation with d7-d5 - Timman English Opening - Symmetrical Variation 3.d4 - Marin/Stoica

Exercises With more than 75 practical opening exercises to test your understanding

Detaljert info
Innbundet? Ja
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 254

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