Nivå | C-D |
Utgivelsesdato | September 2018 |
Redaktør | |
Pris | 375 NOK |
Vi tilbyr dennne boken også i innbundet utgave. Pris 395kr.
Nivå | C-D |
Utgivelsesdato | September 2018 |
Redaktør | |
Pris | 375 NOK |
Vi tilbyr dennne boken også i innbundet utgave. Pris 395kr.
En ny bugnende yearbook for alle med interesse for sjakkåpninger på litt nivå.Noe av det hotteste er bakgrunnsartikkelen om Magnus Carlsens nye 1 e4 c5 2 Sc3 d6 3 d4 cxd4 4 Dxd4 Sc6 5 Dd2!? mot Wojtaszek i Shamkir 2018!
Utgiverens egen omtale:
Yearbook 128 has lots of great stuff: Glenn Flear reviews 5 recent opening books, Victor Bologan scans the most important top events in search of openings news, Erwin l’Ami selects the novelties from the Correspondence Chess front, there is a rich harvest of fascinating discussions in the Forum and you will be tested by 75 topical opening exercises.
Moreover, you will get answers to important questions such as:
How can the quietest lines in the Moscow Sicilian result in very sharp battles?
Why is 7.Qf3 in the Taimanov Sicilian easier to play for White?
Has the Queen’s Indian with 4…La6 and 5…c5 been refuted?
Has Magnus Carlsen found a hole in the Berlin Wall?
What does Ponomariov recommend against the Najdorf with 6.Bg5?
How is Black doing in the Four Knights Sicilian?
What is the idea behind 6.g4 in the Taimanov Sicilian?
What is the story behind Magnus Carlsen’s sensational new Closed Sicilian line?
Which new dangerous set-up makes Black’s life difficult in the French Steinitz?
How does Adhiban turn 3...c5 against the Advance Caro-Kann into a winning weapon?
What are the dangers for Black in the Laznicka Variation of the Scandinavian?
What are latest developments in the Nimzowitsch Petroff?
What is the current status of the Anti-Berlin with 8.Bxc6?
Can Black hold in the Poisoned Pawn Steinitz?
What is Luke McShane’s key to success in the Neo-Steinitz Variation with black?
How good is Shakhriyar Mamedyarov’s 7…Qd6 in the Catalan with 6…dxc4 ?
With which sharp system in the Classical Nimzo-Indian can Black set fire on board?
How serious is the quiet 10.h3 as an attempt to get an advantage in the Fianchetto Grünfeld?
How do specialists like Levon Aronian and Ding Liren treat the Flohr/Mikenas?
What is currently the most dynamic line in the London System?
Is the Fegatello still alive?
What is the latest gambit idea in the Symmetrical English for White?
What is Ding Liren’s improvement in the Steinitz’ Caro-Kann?
And much more.
Teoriartiklene denne gang:
Each issue brings you dozens of new ideas on the cutting edge of modern chess opening theory.
The Yearbook not only covers the latest fashions, but also offers fresh insights into underrated gambits, rare continuations, and almost forgotten weapons.
1.e4 openings
1.d4 openings
Exercises With more than 75 practical opening exercises to test your understanding.
Contributions by Jan Timman, Luke McShane, Ruslan Ponomariov, Victor Bologan, Erwin l’Ami and dozens of others.
PDF-utdragInnbundet? | Nei |
Type | Bok |
Språk | Engelsk |
Antall sider | 255 |
En festbok for åpningsspillets entusiaster og praktikere. Fire ganger i året gir New In Chess Yearbook gjennomganger av nytt og aktuelt innen alt fra de viktige hovedvariantene til "sprekere" sidevarianter som blir foreslått.
Ny utgave av den ledende "årboka" om forskjellig nytt i åpningsspillet i sjakk, og også fokus på noen glemte varianter. Boka er bygget rundt 27 artikler med et stort antall partier. Også flere artikler og Glenn Flears omtaler av nye åpningsbøker.