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New In Chess Yearbook 132

Nivå C-D
Utgivelsesdato September 2019
Pris 370 NOK
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En ny forfriskende kvartals-årbok for alle oss sjakkspillere som vet at vi i disse tider ikke bare kan "pusse på" de gamle åpningene våre, men også må prøve noe helt nytt iblant. Her er mye nytt om både solide hovedvarianter og friske alternativer å kose seg med!

Forlagets egen omtale

New In Chess Yearbook, which appears four times a year, contains the latest news in chess openings. Each issue brings you dozens of new ideas on the cutting edge of modern chess opening theory. Have a look at what this issue has to offer.


The Forum pages are crammed with spontaneous contributions by readers, such as an attempt at refutation of the Morra Gambit by Elijah Logozar, a new idea in the Alatortsev QGD by Joshua Doknjas, as well as contributions by grandmasters Viacheslav Zakhartsov and Davorin Kuljasevic, and IM Luis Rodi. A.C. van der Tak, René Olthof and Peter Boel also present novelties from recent tournament practice.

Correspondence chess

In his column, Erwin l’Ami presents interesting correspondence games by OTB GMs Krishnan Sasikiran and... himself! Also, a big theoretical find in Fischer’s 2.Nc3 Caro-Kann by Kristo Miettinen, a highly disputed line of the Austrian Attack vs the Pirc, and this issue’s sideline is 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.e5 in the Sicilian with 2...d6 from a game Milen Petrov-Walter Steiger.


Glenn Flear’s Reviews column focuses on the question whether there will ever be an ‘Ultimate Main Line’. Will it start with 1.d4 ? Several books reviewed in this Yearbook are about this first move: Boris Avrukh’s Grandmaster Repertoire 2B: 1.d4 Dynamic Systems, Cyrus Lakdawala’s book on his latest repertoire change 1 d4 with 2 c4, and Viktor Moskalenko’s An Attacking Repertoire for White with 1.d4. And then there is also Tibor Karolyi’s 2-part book Play the Dutch!. The fifth reviewed book, on the treacherous Hippopotamus Defence by Alessio De Santis, is especially special.

  • 1.e4 openings

  • Sicilian Defence - Moscow Variation 3...?d7 - Pijpers
  • Sicilian Defence - Dragon Yugoslav Attack 9.?c4 - Olthof
  • Sicilian Defence - Rossolimo Variation 3...g6 - Ponomariov
  • Sicilian Defence - 4...?b6 Lines - Szabo
  • Sicilian Defence - Anti-Sveshnikov 3.?c3- Ikonnikov
  • Sicilian Defence - Sveshnikov Variation 7.?d5 - Stohl
  • French Defence - Closed Variation 2.d3 - Giddins/Welling
  • French Defence - 3.?c3 Other Lines - Fogarasi
  • Scandinavian Defence - Main Line 3...?a5 - Olthof
  • Petroff Defence - Nimzowitsch Variation 5.?c3 - Karolyi
  • Ruy Lopez - Berlin Defence 4.d3 - Van der Wiel
  • Italian Game - Giuoco Piano 4.c3, 5.d3 - Saric
  • Scotch Opening - 4...?f6 Line - Ris
  • Two Knights Defence - Early Divergences 5...?xd5 - Lopez Senra
  • Various Openings - English Defence 3.e4 - Stella
  • Various Openings - Sokolsky Opening 1.b4 - Maris
  • 1.d4 openings

  • Queen’s Gambit Declined - Early Divergences 4.?g5 -Rodi
  • Slav Defence - Krause Variation 6.?e5 - Vigorito
  • Catalan Opening - Open Variation 6.?c3 dxc4 - Lukacs/Hazai
  • Nimzo-Indian Defence - Classical Variation 4.?c2 - Vilela
  • Queen’s Indian Defence - Nimzowitsch Variation 4...?a6 - Timman
  • Grünfeld Indian Defence - Exchange Variation 7.?f3 - Mchedlishvili
  • King’s Indian Defence - Makogonov Variation 5.h3 - Kuljasevic
  • Queen’s Pawn Openings - Malinoise Defence 1...c6 - Panczyk/Ilczuk
  • Dutch Defence - Early sidelines 4.?g5 - Moskalenko
  • Others

  • English Opening - Four Knights Variation 4.e3 - Hungaski
Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 256

Produktet er en del av serien New In Chess Yearbook

Disse bøkene kommer fire ganger i året, med solid presentasjon av aktuelle åpningsvarianter belyst gjennom ferske partier der det er spilt noe nytt. Her er både hovedvarianter som spilles i det gode selskap og friske åpninger som er aktuelle å forsøke mest på andre nivåer. Omtale av nye åpnnigsbøker har også en fast spalte.

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