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New In Chess Yearbook 133

En festbok for åpningsspillets entusiaster og praktikere. Fire ganger i året gir New In Chess Yearbook gjennomganger av nytt og aktuelt innen alt fra de viktige hovedvariantene til "sprekere" sidevarianter som blir foreslått.

Michael Adams er blant bidragsyterne denne gang.

I tillegg til alle åpningsartiklene kommer blant annet stormester Glenn Flears ekstra relevante anmeldelser av mange nye åpningsbøker.

Forordet til redaktør Jan Timman

Good Old Friends

We welcome Michael Adams, who writes his first Survey in this Yearbook. And a welcome back to Ivan Sokolov, who once wrote a Survey a few years back, in Yearbook 95. Both grandmasters are good old friends of mine and I am delighted that they decided to contribute to the Yearbook.

On 26 August, Pal Benko passed away. He was never much of a theoretician and in fact this may have been the reason why he liked the idea of a positional gambit. In the Benko Gambit Black avoids mainstream theory. Shortly before his death Benko was honoured with a theme tournament: all games should be played with the Benko Gambit. Such a tournament belongs to an old tradition that is rarely seen these days. Andras Adorjan and Endre Vegh report.It is always interesting to see top players use openings with both white and black.

Shakhriyar Mamedyarov’s method of fighting the Grünfeld is quite instructive. Abhijeet Gupta writes the Survey.In the same sense, the book King’s Indian according to Tigran Petrosian by Igor Yanvarjov is really interesting. Petrosian played the King’s Indian with both colours. I must say that his White games were most instructive in this respect.

Forlagets egen omtale:

New In Chess Yearbook, which appears four times a year, contains the latest news in chess openings. Each issue brings you dozens of new ideas on the cutting edge of modern chess opening theory. Have a look at what this issue has to offer.

Trends & Opinions


  • Budapest Gambit 4.♘f3 ..........Boel ................12
  • Sicilian Defence .........Dragon Yugoslav Attack 9.♗c4 ....Gradl ...............14
  • French Defence .........Tarrasch Variation 3...c5 ..........Olthof ..............15
  • Budapest Gambit 4.♗f4 ..........Van der Tak .........17
  • Sicilian Defence .........Kalashnikov Variation 7...♖b8 .....Ogiewka ............19

  • Scotch Gambit 6...♘d7 ...........Boel ................19

  • Slav Defence ............Krause Variation 6.♘e5 ..........Gradl ...............21
  • Nimzo-Indian Defence ..Kmoch Variation 4.f3 ............Ogiewka ............23
  • Sicilian Defence .........Najdorf Variation 6.♗c4. . . . . . . . . . Olthof ..............24
  • In Memoriam Nenad Sulava ..............................Editorial team .......26
  • From Our Own Correspondent by Erwin l’Gmi . . . . . . . .

Surveys1 .e4 openings

  • Sicilian Defence .........Najdorf Variation 6.♘b3 ..........Kuljasevic ...........40
  • Sicilian Defence .........Dragon Yugoslav Attack 9.♗c4 ....Olthof ..............49 OIT
  • Sicilian Defence .........Rossolimo Variation 3...g6 ........Timman .............59-
  • Pirc Defence ............The 150 Attack 4.♗e3 ............Petrov ..............68
  • French Defence .........Winawer Variation 7.♕g4 ........Ris .................74
  • Caro-Kann Defence .....Advance Variation 3.e5 c5 ........Järvenpää ...........81
  • Ruy Lopez ..............Møller Defence 5...♗c5 ...........Kaufman ............89
  • Ruy Lopez ..............The 6.d3 Line ...................Fogarasi .............94
  • Ruy Lopez ..............Anti-Marshall Variation 8.d4 .....Ponomariov ........101 OIT
  • Italian Game ............Giuoco Piano 5.d4 ...............Adams .............109GGAMBI
  • Italian Game ............Evans Gambit 4.b4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hungaski ...........115
  • Scotch Opening .........Four Knights 4.d4 exd4 5.♘xd4 ... Motylev ............123
  • Scotch Opening .........Mieses Variation 5.♘xc6 .........Szabo ..............129

1 .d4 openings

  • Queen’s Gambit Declined ..Exchange Variation 5.♗g5 ........Ikonnikov ..........134
  • Queen’s Gambit Declined ..Early Divergences 4.♗g5 dxc4 ....Rodi ...............140 9= a trendy line or an important discovery= an early deviation= a pawn sacrifice in the openingHOT!GAMBITSOS O
  • Queen’s Gambit Declined ..Early Divergences 4.♗g5 dxc4 ....Sokolov ............148GGAMBI
  • Slav Defence ............Slav Gambit 4...dxc4 5.e4 .........Ilczuk/Panczyk .....157
  • Tarrasch Defence ........Rubinstein Variation 6.g3 ........Moskalenko ........165 OIT
  • Catalan Opening ........Open Variation 6...dxc4 .........Sielecki .............171
  • Nimzo-Indian Defence ..Vienna Variation 6...b5 ...........Olthof ..............177
  • Grünfeld Indian Defence ..Exchange Variation 7.♕a4 ........Gupta ..............186
  • Grünfeld Indian Defence ..Exchange Variation 7.♗e3 ........Flear ................191
  • Grünfeld Indian Defence ..Exchange Variation 7.♘f3 ........Mchedlishvili ......200 O
  • King’s Indian Defence ...Early Divergences 3.h4 ...........Bosch ..............207
  • Benoni Defence .........Volga/Benko Gambit 4.♘c3 .......Adorjan/Vegh .......217


  • English Opening ........Marshall Variation 4...e5 .........Cummings .........223
Nivå C-D
Utgivelsesdato Desember 2019
Pris 375 NOK
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Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 256

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