Nivå | C-D |
Utgivelsesdato | Mai 2021 |
Redaktør | |
Pris | 370 NOK |
Vi tilbyr dennne boken også i innbundet utgave. Pris 425kr.
Vil du vurdere å prøve noe nytt i åpningsspillet? Yearbook gir som alltid mange godbiter i både hovedvarianter og sjeldnere varianter, presentert av spesialister på de ulike åpningene. Fint også å (be)holde litt oversikt!
Surveys i denne utgaven:
1.e4 openings
Sicilian Defence - Najdorf Variation 6.Qd3 - Olthof
Sicilian Defence - Scheveningen Variation 6.Be2 a6 - Szabo
Sicilian Defence - Sveshnikov Variation 7.Nd5 - Bosch
King’s Fianchetto - 4.Be3 Variation - Vilela
French Defence - Advance Variation 6..Bd3 - Jones
French Defence - Tarrasch Variation 3...Nf6 - Tzermiadianos
Caro-Kann Defence - Early Divergences 2..f3 - Ponomariov
Caro-Kann Defence - Fantasy Variation 3.f3 - Ilczuk and Panczyk
Caro-Kann Defence - Exchange Variation 4.Bd3 - Rodi
Caro-Kann Defence - Advance Variation 4.Nc3 - Stohl
Ruy Lopez - Berlin Defence 4.d3 - Saric
Ruy Lopez - Early Divergences 4...f5 - Ris
Italian Game - Giuoco Piano 6.b4 - Krykun
King’s Pawn Openings - Scotch Gambit 5.e5 - Kuljasevic
1.d4 openings
Queen’s Gambit Declined - Early Divergences 4...a6/3 ...a6 - Olthof
Slav Defence - Exchange Variation 6.Bf4 a6 - Fogarasi
Slav Defence - Meran Variation 5.b3 - Sokolov
Tarrasch Defence - - Semi-Tarrasch 4.Nf3 c5 - Ikonnikov
Queen’s Gambit Accepted - Central Variation 3.e4 - Flear
Nimzo-Indian Defence - Rubinstein Variation 5.Bd2 - Ikonnikov
Grünfeld Indian Defence - Exchange Variation 7.Bc4 - Gledura
English Opening - Symmetrical Variation 3.g3 d5 - Timman
Réti Opening - Réti Gambit 4...dxc4 - Adams
Opening - Early Divergences - Lukacs and Hazai
Forlagets egen omtale:
New In Chess Yearbook, which appears four times a year, contains the latest news in chess openings. Each issue brings you dozens of new ideas on the cutting edge of modern chess opening theory. Have a look at what this issue has to offer.
The Forum section contains a lot of material from the Tata Steel Chess Tournament which ended just before our deadline. You can find hot ‘Tata’ contributions by Han Schut, René Olthof and Frank Erwich, besides an impressive analysis by young player Artem Odegov, an SOS line versus the Najdorf employed by Nakamura against MVL no less than 10 times in the Speed final (written by Peter Boel) and a baffling opening discovery by new grandmaster Max Warmerdam who was also the second of Tata winner Jorden van Foreest.
From Our Own Correspondent
Our GM correspondent Erwin l’Ami dives deep into five openings again with the help of correspondence chess games. You’re getting the latest on the English Attack vs the Najdorf, a new path for Black in a difficult King’s Indian/Benoni hybrid, a sharp attacking game with the Shirov/Shabalov Slav, a new blow for the Blumenfeld Gambit, and another blow for a much-applauded Bobby Fischer idea for Black in the Benoni.
Glenn Flear sees Magnus Carlsen’s influence on opening theory grow and grow. He reviews two books on variations named after the World Champion: Carlsen’s Neo-M\'f8ller by Ioannis Simeonidis and The Carlsen Variation by Carsten Hansen – the inventor of which variation, by the way, is ‘close by’! Flear also takes a look at an impressive tome on a very obscure variation: The Exhilarating Elephant Gambit by Jakob Aabling Thomsen and Michael Agermose Jensen, and first but not least at a French opening – another novelty in the Yearbook! It’s called Jouez la Française and it’s by GM Manuel Apicella.
Nivå | C-D |
Utgivelsesdato | Mai 2021 |
Redaktør | |
Pris | 370 NOK |
Vi tilbyr dennne boken også i innbundet utgave. Pris 425kr.
Innbundet? | Nei |
Type | Bok |
Språk | Engelsk |
Antall sider | 256 |
Disse bøkene kommer fire ganger i året, med solid presentasjon av aktuelle åpningsvarianter belyst gjennom ferske partier der det er spilt noe nytt. Her er både hovedvarianter som spilles i det gode selskap og friske åpninger som er aktuelle å forsøke mest på andre nivåer. Omtale av nye åpnnigsbøker har også en fast spalte.
Enda en rendyrket kvartals-årbok om aktuelt nytt i åpningsspillet. Her er alltid mange artikler (Surveys) om ulike åpninger, se egen liste, og aktuelt stoff i blant annet "Forum" og spalten som anmelder relevante nye åpningsbøker.