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New in Chess Yearbook 140

Enda en rendyrket kvartals-årbok om aktuelt nytt i åpningsspillet. Her er alltid mange artikler (Surveys) om ulike åpninger, se egen liste, og aktuelt stoff i blant annet "Forum" og spalten som anmelder relevante nye åpningsbøker.

Forlagets egen omtale:

New In Chess Yearbook, which appears four times a year, contains the latest news in chess openings. Each issue brings you dozens of new ideas on the cutting edge of modern chess opening theory. Have a look at what this issue has to offer.


French guru Viktor Moskalenko shows two recent OTB games in the Forum Section, in which he was successful with some great ideas he presented in his latest book The Fully-Fledged French. One is a piece sac that gained him a 13-move win with black! Bogdan Lalic takes a look at another surprising black piece sac, in the King’s Indian this time. The Forum also contains some novelties from the World Cup, presented by Luis Rodi, Peter Boel and Frank Erwich.

From Sadler’s Engine Room

Matthew Sadler is our new columnist! He will alternate with Erwin l’Ami’s ‘From Our Own Correspondent’ column. The English grandmaster is well-known for the best-seller Game Changer he wrote with Natasha Regan, about computer chess. His new column will be on opening treatment by the top engines, and in his first instalment Matthew shows that these beasts are not at all averse to some offbeat opening play!


Four books are reviewed this time – all of them with a quite original angle. The Modernized Italian Game for White by Alexander Kalinin & Nikolai Kalinichenko is more about understanding than learning lines by heart, and we know that it’s the same with Viktor Moskalenko’s books. With The Fully-Fledged French, the Ukrainian grandmaster has produced a new shoot on his favourite French opening, with a lot of brand new ideas. The didactic approach of Thomas Willemze in The Scandinavian for Club Players is really something else, and of course we couldn’t ignore the Iron English by the creative English duo Simon Williams & Richard Palliser.

Opening Surveys in denne utgaven:

1.e4 openings

Sicilian Defence - Najdorf Variation 6.Bg5 Nbd7 7.f4 - Van der Wiel

Sicilian Defence - Najdorf Variation 6.b3 - Bosch

Sicilian Defence - Rauzer Variation 6.Bg5 - Ntirlis

Sicilian Defence - Four Knights Variation 6.a3 - Olthof

Sicilian Defence - Four Knights Variation 6.Nxc6 - Gupta

Sicilian Defence - Taimanov Variation 7.g4 - Szabo

Sicilian Defence - Closed Variation 2.Nc3, 3.d4 - Ganguly

Caro-Kann Defence - Advance Variation 4.Nf3 - Rodi

Scandinavian Defence - Main Line 4.g3 - Willemze

Alekhine’s Defence - Modern Variation 4...g6 - Ilczuk & Panczyk

Ruy Lopez - Classical Defence 3...Bc5 - Caruana

Italian Game - Giuoco Piano 4.c3 - Flear

Various Openings - Double Queen’s Gambit 2...c5 - Ponomariov

1.d4 openings

Queen’s Gambit Declined - Early Divergences 4.Nf3 h6 - Ikonnikov

Slav Defence - Moscow Variation 6.Bh4 dxc4 - Timman

Queen’s Gambit Accepted - Central Variation 3.e4 b5 - Ris

Queen’s Gambit Accepted - Classical Variation 7.Nc3 - Adams

Catalan Opening - Bogo-Indian Variation ...Bb4+ - Doknjas

Nimzo-Indian Defence - Classical Variation 4...b6 - Flear

Nimzo-Indian Defence - 4.Nf3-Variation 4...0-0 - Vilela

King’s Indian Defence - Classical Main Line 9.Ne1 - Sokolov

Queen’s Pawn Openings - London System 3.Bf4 Bf5 - Kuljasevic


English Opening - Reversed Sicilian: Other Lines 2.b3 - Fogarasi

Réti Opening - 2...e6 and 4...Be7 - Jones

Réti Opening - 2...e6 and 4...dxc4 - Cummings

Nivå C-D
Utgivelsesdato September 2021
Pris 200 NOK
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Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 256
Vekt (g) 480

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