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Opening Encyclopaedia ChessBase 2018

ChessBase sin Opening Encyclopaedia på DVD er det mest komplette verktøyet for å arbeide kvalifisert med alle ulike sjakkåpninger. Innholder 6450 åpningsartikler, 1073 spesielle teori-databaser og 6,3 mill. partier, hvorav 85.500 kommenterte.

ChessBase sin egen omtale:

In chess, braving the gap often leads to disaster after a few moves. We should be able to avoid things going so far. The ChessBase Opening Encyclopaedia offers you an effective remedy against all sorts of semi-digested knowledge and a means of building up a comprehensive and powerful repertoire.

Complete: the Opening Encyclopaedia 2018 features complete coverage of all opening areas on a single DVD and constitutes the best possible introduction to opening training.

Well informed: many renowned specialists in their own area of expertise have contributed to this Chess Base Opening Encyclopaedia, e.g. Avrukh, Berg, Gormally, Krasenkow, Kosintseva, Kuzmin, Marin, Moskalenko, Postny, Ribli, Rogozenko, Stohl, Sumets and Szabo.

Unique: club players regularly find in ChessBase Magazine’s up-to-date openings articles (introductory text + annotated games) exciting ideas for their repertoire. You can now find brought together on this single DVD all 1073 articles from over 17 years of ChessBase Magazine (up to and including the February 2018 issue)!

Crystal clear: for each of the 500 openings (according to the ECO-code) there is at least one opening survey; total number now is 6500. Out of those, more than 500 have been up-dated for this new edition of the encyclopaedia.

Inexhaustible: database with over 6.3 million, more than 85 500 games are annotated.

over 6.3 million games, all featuring ECO codes
more than 85 500 of them annotated
6450 opening surveys, many of which have been brought up to date
access to the games via the large opening key
1073 specialised theory databases
large opening book of all the games to give you a quick overview and statistics 
new ChessBase Reader 2017 for access to the whole database
Utgivelsesdato Mai 2018
Pris 1080 NOK
Legg i handlevognen
Detaljert info
Type DVD
Språk Engelsk