Sjakk-bøker Åpningsbøker 1 d4-åpninger Kongeindisk

Opening Simulator - King's Indian Defence

En interessant Kongeindisk-bok som først og fremst gir 400 treningsoppgaver fra stillinger oppstått i partier med Kongeindisk. Oppgavene er delt i fem nivåer med et bra utviklingsspenn. Boka starter med en drøyt 80 siders god introduksjon

til spill med og mot de viktige variantene i åpningen.

Nivået i oppgavene på trinn 1, og delvis trinn 2, er ikke verre enn at vi kan anbefale dette som en treningsbok fra ratingnivå cirka 1000 og oppover. Merk også at oppgavene i boka i høy grad er fra både hvits og svarts side.

Forlagets egen omtale

The King’s Indian Defence is a popular opening at all levels. Fischer, Kasparov, Bronstein, Nunn, Radjabov and Nakamura are just a few of the many leading GMs who have played it successfully.

Opening Simulator is a new and innovative approach to studying the opening, based on the Deliberate Practice concept. Rather than presenting moves and variations, the authors offer a 'read, solve and play' approach which is designed to replicate a real game more closely than other opening books. First, a thorough Introduction discusses the main variations, pawn structures and themes. Then, after working through the 400 carefully chosen exercises, the reader will benefit from enhanced tactical and problem-solving ability.

Unlike a normal puzzle book, the exercises all stem from the King’s Indian, making this book the ideal resource for King’s Indian players of all abilities to hone their skills.

Andreas Skytte Hagen is a Danish IM with one GM norm, and an experienced King’s Indian player who came up with the Opening Simulator concept.

Esben Lund is a Danish IM and a respected author and trainer. He is a 1.d4 player with extensive experience playing against the King’s Indian, thus both sides are represented in this book.

Nivå B-D
Utgivelsesdato August 2019
Pris 330 NOK
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Opening Simulator - King's Indian Defence [INNBUNDET]

Detaljert info
Innbundet? Nei
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 270