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Original and Aggressive: 1... b6

for practical players

ChessBase og stormester Nigel Davies tetter hullet at det ikke har vært noen moderne DVD med de litt populære b6-åpningene, altså 1... eller 2... b6, mulig mot alt unntatt 1 g3. Ikke minst engelsk forsvar, oftest 1 c4 e6 2 d4 b6.

Nigel Davies er blant de kyndigste og dyktigste som forfatter og presenterer åpnings-DVD'er for folk flest, og med en veldig god faglig basis.

Omtale fra utgiveren ChessBase:

The Owens Defence, with 1...b6, is part of a nexus of systems that are both complex and little explored, offering practical players the opportunity to get out of the book early on and pose new and difficult problems. Transpositions into other openings and structures are common, making it an ideal weapon for playing to win as Black against booked up opposition.

On this DVD Nigel Davies shows how ...b6 lines can be used to enhance an existing French Defence repertoire (for example with 1.d4 e6 2.c4 b6!?) and provide answers to 1.Nf3 and 1.c4. He also shows how 1...b6 can be used as a defence against 1.e4, for players who want to play for a win and do not mind taking risks.

• Video running time: 4 h 39 min (English) • With interactive training including video feedback • Exclusive training database with 50 essential games • Including ChessBase Reader System requirements

Minimum: Pentium III 1 GHz, 1 GB RAM, Windows Vista, XP (Service Pack 3), DirectX9 graphic card with 256 MB RAM, DVD-ROM drive, Windows Media Player 9, ChessBase 12/Fritz 13 or included Reader and internet connection for program activation. Recommended: PC Intel Core i7, 2.8 GHz, 4 GB RAM, Windows 7 or Windows 8, DirectX10 graphic card (or compatible) with 512 MB RAM or better, 100% DirectX10 compatible sound card, Windows Media Player 11, DVD-ROM drive and internet connection for program activation.

Nivå B-D
Utgivelsesdato Juli 2015
Pris 350 NOK
Legg i handlevognen

ChessBase sin omtale

The Owens Defence, with 1...b6, is part of a nexus of systems that are both complex and little explored, offering practical players the opportunity to get out of the book early on and pose new and difficult problems. Transpositions into other openings and structures are common, making it an ideal weapon for playing to win as Black against booked up opposition. On this DVD Nigel Davies shows how ...b6 lines can be used to enhance an existing French Defence repertoire (for example with 1.d4 e6 2.c4 b6!?) and provide answers to 1.Nf3 and 1.c4. He also shows how 1...b6 can be used as a defence against 1.e4, for players who want to play for a win and do not mind taking risks.

This is what is delivered:
  • Fritztrainer App for Windows and Mac
  • Available as download or on DVD
  • Video course with a running time of approx. 4-8 hrs.
  • Repertoire database: save and integrate Fritztrainer games into your own repertoire (in WebApp Opening or in ChessBase)
  • Interactive exercises with video feedback: the authors present exercises and key positions, the user has to enter the solution. With video feedback (also on mistakes) and further explanations.
  • Sample games as a ChessBase database.
  • New: many Fritztrainer now also available as stream in the ChessBase video portal!
That's what the FritzTrainer App can do for you:
  • Videos can run in the Fritztrainer app or in the ChessBase program with board graphics, notation and a large function bar
  • Analysis engine can be switched on at any time
  • Video pause for manual navigation and analysis in game notation
  • Input of your own variations, engine analysis, with storage in the game
  • Learn variations: view specific lines in the ChessBase WebApp Opening with autoplay, memorize variations and practise transformation (initial position - final position).
  • Active opening training: selected opening positions are transferred to the ChessBase WebApp Fritz-online. In a match against Fritz you test your new knowledge and actively play the new opening.
Even more possibilities: Start FritzTrainer in the ChessBase program!
  • The database with all games and analyses can be opened directly.
  • Games can be easily added to the opening reference.
  • Direct evaluation with game reference, games can be replayed on the analysis board
  • Your own variations are saved and can be added to the own repertoire
  • Replay training
  • LiveBook active
  • All engines installed in ChessBase can be started for the analysis
  • Assisted Analysis
  • Print notation and diagrams (for worksheets)
Original and aggressive: 1...b6 for practical players
01: Intro [13:46]
02: Move orders [12:16]
03: 1.d4 e6 2.c4 b6 3.e4 Bb7 4.Nc3 Bb4 5.Bd3 - Game 3 [09:24]
04: 1.d4 e6 2.c4 b6 3.e4 Bb7 4.Nc3 Bb4 5.f3 - Game 4 [10:25]
05: 1.d4 e6 2.c4 b6 3.e4 Bb7 4.Nc3 Bb4 5.Qc2 - Game 5 [07:35]
06: 1.d4 e6 2.c4 b6 3.e4 Bb7 4.Nc3 Bb4 5.d5 and e5 - Game 6 [09:40]
07: 1.d4 e6 2.c4 b6 3.e4 Bb7 4.Bd3 - Game 7 [08:39]
08: 1.d4 e6 2.c4 b6 3.e4 Bb7 4.f3 - Game 8 [06:56]
09: 1.d4 e6 2.c4 b6 3.e4 Bb7 4.Qc2 - Game 9 [07:06]
10: 1.d4 e6 2.c4 b6 3.Nc3 Bb7 4.f3 - Game 10 [07:33]
11: 1.d4 e6 2.c4 b6 3.Nc3 Bb7 4.e3 - Game 11 [03:57]
12: 1.d4 e6 2.c4 b6 3.a3 - Game 12 [11:29]
13: 1.c4 b6 2.Nc3 Bb7 3.e4 e6 4.Nf3 Bb4 5.Qb3 - Game 13 [04:30]
14: 1.c4 b6 2.Nc3 Bb7 3.e4 e6 4.Nf3 Bb4 5.d3 - Game 14 [07:06]
15: 1.c4 b6 2.Nc3 Bb7 3.e4 e6 4.Nf3 Bb4 5.Bd3 Ne7 6.0-0 0-0 7.Re1 - Game 15 [05:26]
16: 1.c4 b6 2.Nc3 Bb7 3.e4 e6 4.Nf3 Bb4 5.Bd3 Ne7 6.0-0 0-0 7.e5 - Game 16 [05:10]
17: 1.c4 b6 2.Nc3 Bb7 3.e4 e6 4.Nf3 Bb4 5.Bd3 Ne7 6.0-0 0-0 7.Bc2 - Game 17 [08:48]
18: 1.c4 b6 2.Nc3 Bb7 3.e4 e6 4.Nf3 Bb4 5.Bd3 Ne7 6.a3 - Game 18 [06:21]
19: 1.c4 b6 2.Nc3 Bb7 3.e4 e6 4.Nf3 Bb4 5.Bd3 Ne7 6.Ne2 - Game 19 [09:53]
20: 1.c4 b6 2.Nc3 Bb7 3.e4 e6 4.g3 - Game 20 [06:51]
21: 1.c4 b6 2.Nc3 Bb7 3.e4 e6 4.Nge2 - Game 21 [05:41]
22: 1.c4 b6 2.Nc3 Bb7 3.g3 - Game 22 [07:38]
23: 1.Nf3 b6 2.g3 Bb7 3.Bg2 c5 4.c4 g6 5.0-0 Bg7 6.d4 - Game 23 [06:35]
24: 1.Nf3 b6 2.g3 Bb7 3.Bg2 c5 4.c4 g6 5.0-0 Bg7 6.Nc3 - Game 24 [06:38]
25: 1.Nf3 b6 2.g3 Bb7 3.Bg2 c5 4.c4 g6 5.d3 - Game 25 [05:20]
26: 1.Nf3 b6 2.e4 Bb7 3.Nc3 e6 4.d4 Bb4 5.Bd3 Nf6 6.e5 - Game 26 [09:37]
27: 1.Nf3 b6 2.e4 Bb7 3.Nc3 e6 4.d4 Bb4 5.Bd3 Nf6 6.Qe2 - Game 27 [09:42]
28: 1.Nf3 b6 2.e4 Bb7 3.Nc3 e6 4.d4 Bb4 5.Bd3 Nf6 6.Bg5 - Game 28 [07:20]
29: 1.e4 b6 2.d4 Bb7 3.Bd3 Nf6 4.Nd2 Nc6 - Game 29 [05:46]
30: 1.e4 b6 2.d4 Bb7 3.Bd3 Nf6 4.Qe2 Nc6 - Game 30 [07:20]
31: 1.e4 b6 2.d4 Bb7 3.Nc3 e6 4.Bd3 - Game 31 [06:18]
32: 1.e4 b6 2.d4 Bb7 3.Nc3 e6 4.a3 - Game 32 [04:19]
33: 1.e4 b6 2.d4 Bb7 3.Nd2 - Game 33 [04:58]
34: 1.e4 b6 2.d4 Bb7 3.f3 and Conclusion - Game 34 [08:26]
Test positions
35: Quiz 1 - Madelenat,M - Peray,S [01:00]
36: Quiz 2 - Sanders,T - Laurin,E [01:30]
37: Quiz 3 - Werner,K - Hille,R [01:05]
38: Quiz 4 - Akimenko,N - Azarov,V [01:12]
39: Quiz 5 - Scheffknecht,P - Czebe,A [00:55]
40: Quiz 6 - Pergericht,D - Boudre,J [01:33]
41: Quiz 7 - Kaunas,K - Kengis,E [01:09]
42: Quiz 8 - Hanken,J - Paschall,W [01:23]
43: Quiz 9 - Capelli,G - Sulava,N [01:06]
44: Quiz 10 - Lindinger,M - Langrock,H [01:38]
45: Quiz 11 - Ryan,M - Polich,D [00:50]
46: Quiz 12 - Popovic,S - Skakic,Z [01:16]
47: Quiz 13 - Rooda,K - Van der Erf,R [01:29]
48: Quiz 14 - Szymanska,M - Maciejewski,M [02:08]
49: Quiz 15 - Marchand,F - Gulko,B [02:12]
Detaljert info
Type DVD
Språk Engelsk
Spilletid 04:39