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Power Play 26: Checkmate Challenge - essential knowledge

Nivå B-C
Utgivelsesdato August 2020
Pris 340 NOK
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En systematisk DVD om mattsetting, nær 6 timer trinn for trinn, interaktiv trening med DVD-kongen King. Glimrende stoff særlig for alle på ratingnivå cirka 900 - 1800.

ChessBase sin egen omtale:

Checkmate. That’s the aim of the game. There are numerous ways to checkmate the enemy king, but there are common patterns that recur over and over again, and having these at our mental fingertips is essential for when we want to finish the game.

From Beginner to Brain-buster On this DVD 100 puzzles are presented, divided into 10 groups of 10 positions. Naturally, Level 1 is the easiest, and the puzzles increase in difficulty right through to Level 10. From beginner to brain-buster. You can jump in at whatever level you wish, but try to solve all ten positions on each level before you move on to the next.

Instant feedback After each puzzle is presented, you have to play out the solution on the board. Daniel King will tell you whether your move is correct in a video afterwards. It might help if you set up the positions on a real chess set rather than trying to solve the positions from the screen – analysing with a real chess set is more like a real game situation.

Typical motifs The checkmating motifs that you’ll encounter here are quite typical (most come from real games). Knowledge of these ideas is not only essential, but you are going to encounter some beautiful ideas. So, concentrate, have fun and enjoy discovering the checkmates!

• Video running time: 5 h 51 min(English) • With interactive training incuding video feedback • Extra: additional database with mating excercises • Including CB Reader

En skissering av innholdet:

01: Intro [01:53]
Level 1
01: Position 1 - Q + N - kiss of death [02:22]
02: Position 2 - Q + B battery - [00:47]
03: Position 3 - Q + R mate - [02:07]
04: Position 4 - Q + B - mate in one [01:38]
05: Position 5 - B + N - mate in one [01:14]
06: Position 6 - 2B + R + N - mate in one [02:07]
07: Position 7 - Q+N - [01:33]
08: Position 8 - R - mate in one [01:03]
09: Position 9 - Arabian mate - [01:32]
10: Position 10 - Smothered - Mate in one [01:59]
Level 2
01: Position 1 - Construct the mate (example); Construct the mate - queen - solution (example); Construct the mate - 1; Construct the mate -1 - solution [02:38]
02: Position 2 - Construct the mate - 2 - ; Construct the mate - 2 - solution [00:50]
03: Position 3 - Construct the mate - 3 - ; Construct the mate - 3 - solution [01:01]
04: Position 4 - Construct the mate - 4 - ; Construct the mate - 4 - solution [01:02]
05: Position 5 - Construct the mate - 5 - ; Construct the mate - 5 - solution [01:20]
06: Position 6 - Construct the mate - 6 - ; Construct the mate - 6 - solution [00:50]
07: Position 7 - Construct the mate - 7 - ; Construct the mate - 7 - solution [01:35]
08: Position 8 - Construct the mate - 8 - ; Construct the mate - 8 - solution [01:23]
09: Position 9 - Construct the mate - 9 - ; Construct the mate - 9 - solution [01:46]
10: Position 10 - Construct the mate - 10 - ; Construct the mate - 10 - solution 1; Construct the mate - 10 - solution 2; Construct the mate - 10 - solution 3; Construct the mate - 10 - solution 4; Construct the mate - 10 - solution 5; [03:33]
Level 3
01: Position 1 - Hjartarson,J - Aradhya,G [02:24]
02: Position 2 - Mohota,N - Deviatkin,A [02:47]
03: Position 3 - Nezad,H - Jones,G [03:03]
04: Position 4 - Luukkonen,T - Sadhwani,R [02:08]
05: Position 5 - King,D - Britton,R [05:53]
06: Position 6 - King,D - Krasenkow,M [03:59]
07: Position 7 - Basic Q+B mate - [03:19]
08: Position 8 - Ptaszek,P - Lis,M [02:28]
09: Position 9 - Kotronias,V - King,D [02:05]
10: Position 10 - Carlsen,M - Karjakin,S [02:13]
Level 4
01: Position 1 - King,D - Lane,G [04:01]
02: Position 2 - Rakic - Govedarica [02:00]
03: Position 3 - Skvortsov,O - Anand,V [03:08]
04: Position 4 - Kuemin,S - Cebalo,M [04:47]
05: Position 5 - Berescu,A - Cheparinov,I [03:49]
06: Position 6 - Czebe,A - Deshmukh,A [03:34]
07: Position 7 - Caceres Bolano,K - Gomez Cifuentes,H [02:55]
08: Position 8 - Brkic,A - Bukal,V [03:11]
09: Position 9 - Jones,G - Jobava,B [04:07]
10: Position 10 - Hein,R - Figura,A [03:25]
Level 5
01: Position 1 - Carlsen,M - Nepomniachtchi,I [04:09]
02: Position 2 - Oussedik,E - So,W [01:27]
03: Position 3 - Mareco,S - Nakamura,H [02:07]
04: Position 4 - Ortiz Suarez,I - Ivanchuk,V [03:04]
05: Position 5 - Morris,P - King,D [01:28]
06: Position 6 - Rabinovich - Grigoriev [01:08]
07: Position 7 - Hansen,C - King,D [03:24]
08: Position 8 - Alekhine,A - Frieman,A [04:46]
09: Position 9 - Sharke - Neindauer [02:15]
10: Position 10 - Capablanca,J - Thomas,G [06:55]
Level 6
01: Position 1 - Emanuel Lasker - (composed) [01:32]
02: Position 2 - Netzer,J - Guezennec,F [03:52]
03: Position 3 - König - Cornforth [07:20]
04: Position 4 - Potel,Z - Barlov,A [03:16]
05: Position 5 - Fazekas - Spielmann [01:53]
06: Position 6 - Tkachiev,V - Watson,W [05:15]
07: Position 7 - Jobava,B - Lopez Martinez,J [05:51]
08: Position 8 - French Advance Variation - Milner-Barry Gambit [05:04]
09: Position 9 - Keres,P - Szabo,L [05:11]
10: Position 10 - Oparin,G - Nepomniachtchi,I [03:52]
Level 7
01: Position 1 - Kravtsiv,M - Ding,L [02:50]
02: Position 2 - Gelfand,B - Inarkiev,E [01:49]
03: Position 3 - Krykun,Y - Barski,R [02:01]
04: Position 4 - Borisenko,G - Simagin,V [04:19]
05: Position 5 - Study by L. Borgstrom - [04:57]
06: Position 6 - Guardian - 2nd April 2016 [04:01]
07: Position 7 - Razuvaev,Y - Beliavsky,A [02:56]
08: Position 8 - Richard Reti (study) - [03:27]
09: Position 9 - Osintsev - [07:51]
10: Position 10 - Copie (study) - [07:16]
Level 8
01: Position 1 - Carlsen,M - Gretarsson,H [04:01]
02: Position 2 - Kjartansson,G - Fedorchuk,S [02:49]
03: Position 3 - King,D - Howell,D [02:10]
04: Position 4 - Azmaiparashvili,Z - Shirov,A [05:59]
05: Position 5 - Mekhitarian,K - Rathnakaran,K [05:33]
06: Position 6 - Kraus,T - Zakhartsov,V [05:28]
07: Position 7 - Bareev,E - Akopian,V [02:45]
08: Position 8 - Caruana,F - Ponomariov,R [01:48]
09: Position 9 - Alonso Rosell,A - Fedorchuk,S [02:02]
10: Position 10 - Can,E - Robson,R [03:28]
Level 9
01: Position 1 - Anand,V - Gelfand,B [02:43]
02: Position 2 - Hansen,M - Prosviriakov,V [02:33]
03: Position 3 - Castrillon Gomez,M - Soler,S [04:10]
04: Position 4 - Sobura - Sarada [05:14]
05: Position 5 - Tal,M - Tringov,G [04:39]
06: Position 6 - Keene,R - Miles,A [06:19]
07: Position 7 - Navara,D - Michiels,B [03:02]
08: Position 8 - Humburg,P - Hundrieser,M [02:33]
09: Position 9 - Sunye Neto,J - Kasparov,G [03:26]
10: Position 10 - Kasparov,G - Smirin,I [04:53]
Level 10
01: Position 1 - Hebden,M - Ledger,A [02:26]
02: Position 2 - Carlsen,M - Orujov,A [03:49]
03: Position 3 - Anderssen - [03:10]
04: Position 4 - Dizdarevic,E - Miles,A [08:14]
05: Position 5 - Tal,M - Portisch,L [04:32]
06: Position 6 - Forintos - Tomovic [03:03]
07: Position 7 - Short,N - Timman,J [05:32]
08: Position 8 - Penrose,J - Popov,L [06:47]
09: Position 9 - Lolli - [06:44]
10: Position 10 - Wei,Y - Bruzon Batista,L [12:30]
Detaljert info
Type DVD
Språk Engelsk
Spilletid 05:51

Produktet er en del av serien Power Play

I DVD-serien "Power Play" gir stormester Daniel King glimrende sjakkleksjoner for alle spillere med såkalt ratingstyrke fra omlag 1000 og faktisk et godt stykke opp i mesterklassen. Han starter denne populære serien med mattbilder og angrepsplaner og behandler tema etter tema av hva som trengs for å øke sjakkstyrken særlig i de avgjørende viktige midtspillene.

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