Nivå | C-D |
Utgivelsesdato | April 2017 |
Forfatter | |
Pris | 295 NOK |
Test Your Chess IQ x3
Tre glimrende kombinasjonsbøker nå utgitt samlet i ett større bind til en svært gunstig pris. Dette er en klassiker og et systematisk russisk treningsopplegg der leseren også kan la seg teste med poeng.
Alle de tre bøkene er egentlig på et ganske krevende nivå, så vi mener at dette er passende stoff for spillere med ratingstyrke fra omlag 1300 og svært langt oppover. Bok nummer 2 er kanskje mest fra ratingnivå 1700 og oppover og nummer 3 mest fra ratingnivå 2100 og oppover. Men aller disse bøkene kommer nå altså under ett.
Forlagets egen omtale
Russian chess trainer August Livshitz, who has had extensive experience teaching a wide range of players from novices to masters, presents here a course for developing your combinational skill, based on the recognition of tactical motifs.
Is the ability to make combinations something that you are born with or can be acquired by practice? Russian chess trainer Livshitz, who has had extensive experience teaching a wide range of players from novices to masters, presents here a course for developing your combinational skill, based on the recognition of tactical motifs. As you work your way through this carefully graded series of tests, themes such as ‘diversion’, ‘interference’, ‘X-Ray’ and many more will become an integral part of your chess armoury, to be employed in your own games. Solving these positions will not only provide many hours of pleasure but will also enable you to test- and improve! – your chess IQ.
These three books are now published in one volume, carefully graduated in order of difficulty.
Innbundet? | Nei |
Type | Bok |
Språk | Engelsk |
Antall sider | 379 |