Sjakk-bøker Åpningsbøker 1 d4-åpninger Kongeindisk

The Art of the King's Indian, New Edition

Nivå B-D
Utgivelsesdato Mars 2015
Pris 440 NOK
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En ny og større versjon av avdøde stormester Gufelds klassiker om Kongeindisk. Boka er bygget rundt 122 partier, de 67 første spilt og kommentert av Gufeld, de 55 siste spilt av andre og kommentert av Oleg Stetsko.

De utvalgte partiene følger i stor grad Eduard Gufelds åpningsrepertoar, og partiene i siste del er spilt av en rekke moderne Kongeindisk-spesialister som Gelfand, Shirov, Ivantsjuk, Topalov, Ponomariov og Radjabov, og selvfølgelig Kasparov som også har skrevet forord til boka.

Forlagets omtale:

This book is a comprehensive 2014 update of the classic manual on the King’s Indian Defence by Eduard Gufeld.

The King's Indian is one of the most exciting ways for Black to play against 1.d4. It has been a regular feature in the games of great attackers like Mikhail Tal, Bobby Fischer and Garry Kasparov, all of whom have used it to create the type of unbalanced positions which every aggressive player likes.

The KID remains a very popular choice at club level as well.

Variations covered in this book include Sämisch Variation, Classical Variation, Four Pawns Attack, as well as many sidelines.

This is by far Gufeld's best book ever, and it offers one of the best explanations avalaible of the principles, the ideas, the strategies and the tactical patterns of the Kings Indian. This NEW edition has been improved, expanded and updated thoroughly by IM Stetsko.

With a Foreword by Garry Kasparov.

Eduard Gufeld made a valuable contribution to the theory of sharp opening systems including in particular the King's Indian Defence and the Dragon Variation of the Sicilian Defence. He seconded the outstanding GM's Leonid Stein and Yefim Gelle, and he trained the women's world champion Maya Chiburdanidze. Gufeld was a successful journalist, and wrote numerous chess books.

Oleg Stetsko is a Soviet chess master, senior trainer of the USSR national team during its last appearances in 1985-1989, a journalist, and since 1993 a contributor to the magazine 64. Individually, and as a co-author with grandmasters Gufeld and Mikhalchishin, he has written a number of topical chess books, including one on the games of Magnus Carlsen.

IM Andrew Martin, ChessPublishing: "Gufeld is one of the finest King’s Indian practicioners, his games should be thoroughly studied (..) Unusually for a chess book, this is a first-class read."

Detaljert info
Innbundet? Ja
Type Bok
Språk Engelsk
Antall sider 349